Yolanda Díaz is putting all of her efforts into the Sumar campaign for the European Parliament. In the face of a challenging electoral landscape with the rise of far-right parties across the continent and a Spanish political context dominated by a two-party system, the candidacy led by Estrella Galán aims to highlight the influence of their left-wing policies within the government as an exception in Europe. Galán, a respected figure known for her advocacy for migrant rights, has designed a campaign with a strong presence of the second vice president of the government to support her at numerous events. They plan to hold rallies in Madrid, Valencia, and Catalonia while also focusing on mobilizing progressive voters in Andalusia.

With the slogan “Stand up”, the campaign kicked off in Jerez with Díaz and will continue with events in Madrid, Las Palmas, Galicia, Zaragoza, Gijón, Barcelona, Sevilla, Córdoba, Málaga, and Valencia. The coalition emphasizes that this will be a collaborative effort involving all the organizations within Sumar, such as Movimiento Sumar, Catalunya en Comú, Compromís, Izquierda Unida, Más Madrid, Verdes Equo, and Chunta Aragonesista. Despite the challenging political environment and the dominance of the national rivalry between the PP and PSOE in Spain, the campaign aims to make its mark in the European elections and highlight their distinct policies.

The upcoming elections on June 9 are seen as crucial for the future of the European project, and Sumar recognizes the difficult landscape they are facing. With a strong focus on the national political scene dominated by the PP and PSOE rivalry and the recent success of the PSOE, led by the popular vice president Teresa Ribera, the competition is fierce. The division within the left-wing space in Spain, with Podemos taking a more confrontational stance towards the government and promoting Irene Montero, adds another layer of complexity to the election dynamics.

Sumar, as a relatively new political entity, is still in the process of establishing itself in different regions. They understand that their consolidation will come after the elections, but they are determined to retain the support they garnered in the past. With Estrella Galán as their candidate, known for her longstanding work in defending refugee and migrant rights and her opposition to the European Pact on Migration and Asylum, Sumar aims to differentiate themselves from traditional parties and appeal to a specific voter base. The party had previously secured six Euro deputies in 2019 under the Unidas Podemos alliance.

The campaign is a critical moment for Sumar, as they face the challenge of standing out in a crowded political landscape while navigating the complexities of the Spanish political scene. They are determined to make their mark in the European elections and emphasize their distinct policies and positions on key issues like migration and asylum. With a strong focus on collaboration and unity among the various organizations that make up the coalition, they are prepared to face the fierce competition and make their voices heard in the European Parliament.

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