Subway, the fast-food chain, has once again found itself under scrutiny, this time for the way it prepares its steak. A viral TikTok video posted by the account @howfoodismade shows an employee cutting open plastic packaging containing a slab of meat, dumping it into a plastic container, and breaking it down by hand. The meat is then divided into 2.5 oz. portions. This video has garnered 7.3 million views and 329,800 likes, prompting criticism from viewers who were appalled by the preparation process.

In response to a lawsuit questioning the quality of their tuna in 2021, Subway launched a website called The lawsuit has since been dismissed, but the fast-food chain has faced ongoing criticism related to its meat products. The recent backlash over the steak preparation process has added to this negative attention. The video of the steak preparation at Subway has sparked outrage among viewers, with some former employees claiming that other meat items, such as the teriyaki chicken and tuna, were even worse to prepare.

Commenters on the viral video expressing shock and disgust at the way the steak is made at Subway have included former employees and even the official TikTok account for Eggo waffles. Some users claimed that the meat was sometimes even more frozen than what was shown in the video, further questioning the quality and preparation methods of Subway’s meat products. The video has shed light on the behind-the-scenes processes at popular fast-food chains like Subway, leading to a reevaluation of consumer trust and confidence.

The exposure of Subway’s steak preparation process on social media has once again raised concerns about the quality and sourcing of the chain’s meat products. The viral video has led to a public outcry, with many viewers expressing disgust and disappointment at the way the steak is handled at Subway. While the chain has not yet responded to requests for comment regarding this specific video, the ongoing negative attention surrounding their meat products may prompt Subway to address these concerns and make changes to their preparation methods moving forward.

As the TikTok video showcasing the steak preparation at Subway continues to gain views and likes, the fast-food chain faces mounting criticism over its meat products and preparation methods. The public outrage over the handling of steak at Subway has sparked conversations about food quality and transparency in the fast-food industry. Subway’s previous efforts to defend the quality of their tuna through a dedicated website have not shielded them from scrutiny related to their other meat products. This latest controversy highlights the importance of consumer awareness and accountability in the food industry.

Overall, the viral TikTok video revealing how steak is made at Subway has reignited concerns about the fast-food chain’s meat products and preparation processes. The public outcry and backlash from viewers have sparked a larger conversation about food quality, transparency, and trust in popular fast-food chains. Subway’s handling of this latest controversy will likely impact consumer perceptions of their brand and prompt them to take action to address the growing concerns surrounding their meat products. As scrutiny over Subway’s meat practices continues, the chain may face pressure to improve transparency and quality control to regain public confidence and trust.

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