A recent study conducted by scientists from The Netherlands’ Vrije Universiteit suggests that COVID vaccines might be partially responsible for a rise in excess deaths in the US and other Western countries in the three years since the pandemic began. Despite the widespread distribution of vaccines and various containment measures, excess mortality has remained elevated, prompting the researchers to call for further investigation into the underlying causes of these deaths. Concerns have been raised about the reported adverse events following vaccination, with both medical professionals and citizens documenting serious injuries and deaths in official databases in Western countries.

The study emphasized the importance of recognizing the value of every life, both during the pandemic and in its aftermath. Researchers found that there have been over three million excess deaths in the US, Europe, and Australia since 2020. While over one million of these deaths occurred in 2020 during the peak of the pandemic, the numbers remained high in the following years, with 1.2 million excess deaths in 2021 and 800,000 in 2022. These excess deaths include those directly related to the virus, as well as those resulting from the health strategies implemented to combat the spread of the virus.

The study also highlighted the serious side effects that have been documented following COVID vaccination, such as ischaemic strokes, acute coronary syndromes, and brain haemorrhages. These adverse reactions may be underreported due to the commonality of symptoms that hinder clinical suspicion and detection as vaccine-related complications. Despite the intent of vaccines to protect civilians from COVID morbidity and mortality, the study suggests that further investigation is needed to understand the full impact of these vaccines on excess mortality rates.

In the United States alone, more than 1.1 million individuals have died from COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, according to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study raises questions about the efficacy and safety of COVID vaccines, as well as the potential unintended consequences of mass vaccination campaigns. It underscores the importance of closely monitoring vaccine side effects and considering the broader impacts of health strategies aimed at addressing the COVID pandemic. As excess mortality rates continue to be a cause for concern, further research and analysis are needed to better understand the complex relationship between vaccines, COVID deaths, and excess mortality patterns in Western countries.

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