A group of students at Duke University walked out of the commencement ceremony on Sunday to protest Israel’s war in Gaza as comedian Jerry Seinfeld was set to speak. Videos on social media show students leaving as Seinfeld was introduced by Duke President Vincent Price. Seinfeld’s speech at the ceremony mostly avoided controversy, focusing on jokes about students, AI, and his honorary degree. However, he did mention his Jewish heritage, receiving cheers from the audience.

Seinfeld has faced backlash in recent weeks for his comments on comedy and Israel’s conflict in Gaza. In an interview with The New Yorker, he criticized the “extreme left and P.C. crap,” claiming it killed comedy on television. While some praised his comments, many comedians and TV critics found them out of touch. Seinfeld’s stance on Israel has also caused controversy, as he has publicly expressed support for the country and visited a kibbutz to meet with hostages’ families. His wife, Jessica, has confirmed funding pro-Israel counterprotests on college campuses.

The comedian’s comments at the Duke University commencement have sparked debate and highlighted his recent public statements. Despite his usual avoidance of political topics, Seinfeld’s remarks on comedy and Israel have drawn criticism and support from various groups. His speech at the ceremony included jokes and references to his Jewish heritage, receiving mixed reactions from the audience. The walkout by students protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza added a layer of tension to the event.

Seinfeld’s presence at the Duke University commencement brought attention to his recent controversies and public statements. The comedian’s remarks on comedy, politics, and Israel have sparked debate and divided opinions among his fans and critics. While some have praised him for speaking out on these issues, others have criticized him for being out of touch or not addressing them in a more sensitive manner. The walkout by students protesting Israel’s war in Gaza added a layer of complexity to the event.

Overall, Jerry Seinfeld’s speech at Duke University’s commencement stirred controversy and highlighted his recent public statements on comedy and political issues. The walkout by students protesting Israel’s actions in Gaza added tension to the ceremony and sparked debate among attendees. Seinfeld’s remarks on his Jewish heritage and support for Israel have drawn both criticism and support, reflecting the broader discussions taking place around these topics. The comedian’s presence at the event raised questions about freedom of speech, political opinions, and the role of public figures in addressing sensitive issues.

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