A Texas school bus driver in the Sealy Independent School District is accused of punishing students by driving slowly on a scorching hot day, making them put up the windows on an un-air-conditioned vehicle. The driver, who had a fan for herself, reportedly made at least 30 students suffer in the excessive heat on the bus. The driver’s employment status has not been confirmed, but the attorney representing the parents of the two children involved has called for her termination. The school district stated that the driver was driving at a safe speed on a dirt road and denied that she was slowing down to punish students.

In a video provided to NBC News, students can be heard complaining about the oppressive heat on the bus, with the driver telling them to put up the windows and stopping the bus. The attorney shared that the bus took 30 minutes to drive just 3 miles, significantly longer than it should have taken. The district superintendent mentioned that concerns about a lack of air conditioning on buses were received and explained that the driver stopped for about two minutes to address a student sticking his head out the window. Adjustments have since been made to the bus route in response to the situation.

The attorney representing the parents of two of the students on the bus condemned the driver’s actions, emphasizing that a bus driver’s role is to ensure the safe transportation of children. The district superintendent acknowledged that it gets hot on the buses, especially in August, and reassured that steps have been taken to address the concerns raised. However, the superintendent was unaware of any reports or investigations into the incident by district police, as it was not within their jurisdiction. A video provided by the attorney shows the driver instructing students to put up the windows due to safety concerns with hands sticking out.

The video captures students audibly expressing their discomfort with the heat inside the bus and their urgent desire to be taken home. The 12-year-old boy and 11-year-old girl, who have an asthma condition, were among those affected by the situation. The video displayed the relief felt by the children upon arriving home and being able to breathe in fresh air. The attorney and parents involved are seeking accountability and appropriate action in response to the poor treatment of the students on the bus. The incident has sparked discussions about the safety and well-being of students in transportation settings, particularly in relation to extreme weather conditions and overheating.

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