Elena Bonetti, a member of the political party Azione, has commented on the proposal put forth by Forza Italia, led by Antonio Tajani, regarding granting Italian citizenship to young individuals who have completed their compulsory education. Bonetti’s response to this proposal is not specified in the given content.

Forza Italia’s proposal to grant Italian citizenship to young individuals upon completion of their compulsory education is a topic of discussion within the political sphere. The party believes that this measure would benefit both the individuals who have completed their education and the country as a whole.

Elena Bonetti’s response to Forza Italia’s proposal is not explicitly stated in the content provided. It is likely that as a member of Azione, she may have differing opinions or concerns regarding the proposal and its implications on Italian citizenship laws.

The debate surrounding the granting of Italian citizenship to young individuals who have completed their compulsory education raises questions about the criteria for obtaining citizenship and the impact it may have on the country’s demographics and social policies. It is important to consider various perspectives before making a decision on this proposal.

Antonio Tajani’s leadership in Forza Italia and the party’s proposal on citizenship for young individuals who have completed their compulsory education have sparked discussions within the political landscape. The implications of such a measure on Italian society and the integration of these individuals into the community are important aspects to consider.

In conclusion, the proposal put forth by Forza Italia, under the leadership of Antonio Tajani, to grant Italian citizenship to young individuals who have completed their compulsory education is a topic of debate. Elena Bonetti’s response to this proposal as a member of Azione is not specified in the content provided. The implications of such a measure on Italian citizenship laws and society as a whole should be carefully considered before making a decision.

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