In Balıklıgöl and Göbeklitepe, a large number of stray dogs have been seen in recent days. After complaints from tourists, municipal officials have taken action to collect the dogs. Teams deployed in tourism areas have started collecting dogs by injecting them with tranquilizers. The collected dogs were taken to the municipality’s shelter.

The presence of stray dogs in Balıklıgöl and Göbeklitepe has raised concerns among tourists visiting these popular tourist destinations. Municipal officials have responded to the complaints by initiating a campaign to capture the stray dogs in the area. Teams have been dispatched to use tranquilizer injections to collect the dogs and transport them to the municipal shelter.

The issue of stray dogs roaming freely in Balıklıgöl and Göbeklitepe has become a cause of concern for visitors to these historic sites. In response to the growing number of complaints from tourists, municipal authorities have taken steps to address the issue. Teams tasked with handling tourism areas have begun capturing stray dogs by using tranquilizer injections, with the captured dogs being taken to the municipal shelter for proper care.

The sight of stray dogs wandering around Balıklıgöl and Göbeklitepe has prompted authorities to take action to address the issue. Following complaints from tourists about the presence of stray dogs in the area, municipal officials have mobilized efforts to collect the animals. Ekiplerin deployed in these tourism zones have been utilizing tranquilizer injections to safely capture the stray dogs and relocate them to the municipal shelter.

The recent sightings of numerous stray dogs in Balıklıgöl and Göbeklitepe have prompted concerns among tourists frequenting these sites. In response to the increasing number of complaints, municipal authorities have launched an operation to collect the stray dogs. Teams responsible for overseeing tourism areas have begun utilizing tranquilizer injections to capture the stray dogs and transfer them to the municipal shelter for proper care.

The influx of stray dogs in Balıklıgöl and Göbeklitepe has become a pressing issue for tourists visiting these popular spots. With complaints mounting from visitors, municipal officials have stepped in to address the problem by launching a campaign to collect the stray dogs. Teams have been deployed to use tranquilizer injections for safely capturing the dogs and relocating them to the municipal shelter, in an effort to ensure the safety and well-being of both the animals and tourists in the area.

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