A Kentucky father of two was diagnosed with stage four cancer and needed a kidney transplant. Despite the long waiting list, his wife took to social media to find an organ donor. A stranger named Hanna Durbin saw the post and decided to get tested to see if she was a match for the man in need. After finding out she was a match, Durbin selflessly donated her kidney to Chase Cooper, giving him a new lease on life.

Initially scheduled for a transplant, Durbin and Cooper were found to be incompatible just days before the surgery. Devastated by the news, Durbin remained committed to helping Cooper and offered to do whatever she could to make the transplant happen. Her dedication and perseverance paid off, as they were able to successfully undergo surgery less than a month later at the University of Kentucky. Throughout the process, Durbin became like family to the Coopers, who were overwhelmed with gratitude for her selfless act.

The transplant was a success, and Chase Cooper went from being sick and in need of a kidney to enjoying life with his loved ones once again. The transplant administrator at UK Healthcare noted the impact that organ donors can have on the lives of those in need and encouraged more people to sign up for the registry to potentially save someone’s life. Since the beginning of the year, thousands of people in the US have received kidney transplants, highlighting the importance of organ donation.

Despite the challenges and setbacks, Hanna Durbin’s incredible act of kindness not only saved Chase Cooper’s life but also brought their families closer together. The Coopers expressed their deep gratitude for Durbin’s sacrifice, acknowledging that there were not enough words to adequately describe their thankfulness. The generosity and compassion shown by Durbin serve as an inspiring example of selflessness and the impact one person can have on another’s life.

With nearly 90,000 people on the kidney transplant list in the US, National Donate Life Month aims to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation. By encouraging more Americans to register as organ donors, the hope is to save more lives and provide hope to those in need of a transplant. Those interested in donating an organ are encouraged to register with the National Donate Life Registry and potentially become a life-saving donor for someone in need. The story of Chase Cooper and Hanna Durbin serves as a reminder of the power of generosity, compassion, and the impact that one selfless act can have on changing someone’s life.

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