In April, following a very rainy Easter week, the rain will decrease due to the departure of storm Nelson and the advance of high pressure. Temperatures will also increase, returning to normal mid-week and then rising above normal towards the end of the month. April is expected to be warmer than usual, with precipitation levels uncertain except in the Canary Islands, where a dry month is predicted. On Monday, the last remnants of storm Nelson will bring rain to the west and central regions of the Peninsula, gradually diminishing throughout the day, with snow expected at higher altitudes. Wind gusts will also be strong along the Galician coast.

On Tuesday, a front will bring rain to Galicia, Asturias, and the northwest of Castilla y León, with strong winds. Lighter precipitation may reach other areas of the Cantabrian coast, northern Extremadura, and southern Castilla y León. Temperatures will rise significantly in the valley of the Ebro, the Mediterranean, and the Guadalquivir, with some areas exceeding 20°. Wednesday will see cloudy skies in the west and north, with rain restricted to parts of Galicia, southern Castilla y León, northern Extremadura, and the Pyrenees. Strong winds are expected in northern Galicia and Asturias.

Thursday will continue the upward trend in temperatures, reaching 18° to 20° in most areas and up to 25° in certain regions. Rain is only expected in Galicia and nearby areas due to a new front, with potentially heavy rainfall in Galicia. By Friday, temperatures will rise further. The weekend’s weather remains uncertain, with the possibility of temperatures exceeding 25° in many areas, with the potential for rain in the western and northern regions. In the Canary Islands, stable weather is expected with gradually rising temperatures.

The recent Easter week was marked by heavy rainfall, particularly in parts of the Atlantic coast and the Pyrenees. Notable rainfall totals include 478 liters per square meter in Grazalema (Cádiz), 274 in Cardeña (Córdoba), 260 in Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilla), and 257 in Panticosa (Huesca). Seville received 117 liters, Málaga 90, and Madrid 40, all well above normal for March. However, the Mediterranean region received less rain, with Valencia recording 18 liters, Murcia 15, and Alicante only five.

Strong winds were also a feature during the Easter week, with hurricane-force gusts recorded in coastal and mountainous areas, including 153 km/h in Cerler (Huesca) and 142 in Estaca de Bares (La Coruña).

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