Steve Hilton, founder of Golden Together and a contributor to Fox News, criticized the University of California, Irvine for not protecting the rights of law-abiding students after anti-Israel protesters caused chaos on campus. Hilton raised concerns about the influence of outside agitators, including Chinese and Qatari influence, in fueling antisemitism on college campuses. He questioned how the university allowed this disruptive behavior to happen and emphasized the importance of maintaining a normal student experience for all students.

Hilton pointed out that the actions of protesters at UC Irvine and other college campuses across the country are protected by the First Amendment but should not extend to creating destruction and chaos for others. He criticized the collapse in leadership that allowed these disruptions to occur and highlighted the imbalance where those who do the wrong thing are protected and indulged while those who do the right thing are punished. Hilton also blamed the weakness and failures of the Biden administration for not taking a strong stance on the issue, suggesting that the administration is more concerned with political opportunism than genuine leadership.

The presence of hundreds of anti-Israel protesters on UC Irvine’s campus led to the arrest of 47 individuals, including 26 students and two employees, for violations such as failure to disperse and trespassing. The university clarified that 19 of those arrested were non-affiliates, meaning they were not students or employees of UC Irvine. The protesters swarmed buildings on campus, including the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall, and set up barricades, prompting the university to move to remote operations on Thursday. The actions of the protesters violated school policy and state laws, resulting in their arrests.

Hilton criticized the Biden administration for failing to take a strong stance on the issue of anti-Israel protests, suggesting that the president is more concerned with shoring up his support base than standing for what he believes in. He emphasized the need for strong leadership in such situations and criticized the indulgence and protection of those who engage in disruptive behavior. Hilton called for a return to enforcing values that do not involve destroying opportunities for others while making a point, and highlighted the importance of upholding the rights of law-abiding students who do not wish to be involved in such disruptions.

The protests at UC Irvine and other college campuses highlight the challenges associated with balancing free speech with ensuring a safe and productive learning environment for all students. Hilton’s criticisms of the university’s response, the influence of outside agitators, and the lack of strong leadership from the Biden administration point to broader concerns about the state of discourse and civility in American society. As the aftermath of these protests unfolds, it remains to be seen how universities and political leaders will address these issues and uphold values of respect, dialogue, and inclusivity on campus.

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