Steve Ballmer, the founder of USAFacts and former Microsoft CEO, is launching a new video series called “Just the Facts” aimed at providing Americans with government data related to various topics such as the economy, immigration, healthcare, and more. In a video introducing the series, Ballmer reassures viewers that he is not running for office and states that his goal is to provide viewers with facts so they can make informed decisions as voters. The series will debut with episodes on the federal budget and the immigration system, with future episodes covering topics such as the strength of the U.S. economy, America’s energy sources, public health, and demographic changes in the U.S.

The first two episodes of “Just the Facts” are currently accessible on the USA Facts website, with plans to air them on Fox at 9 p.m. ET and PT and 8 p.m. CT and MT. In addition to Fox, the videos will also be available on the organization’s YouTube channel. Future episodes will delve into questions such as the state of the U.S. economy, the sources of American energy, the nation’s overall health, and the changing demographics of the U.S. Through this series, Ballmer aims to provide viewers with valuable insights backed by data from over 70 government sources, enabling them to better understand how the country is being governed and operated.

Steve Ballmer initially launched USAFacts in 2017 as a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization dedicated to analyzing and presenting data on how the nation is being run. The website compiles data from various government sources and regularly analyzes these numbers to gauge the pulse of the country and track trends in America. As the billionaire owner of the Los Angeles Clippers NBA team, Ballmer has used his resources to create an organization that provides valuable information to the public, emphasizing the importance of understanding the facts in order to make informed decisions as citizens.

The “Just the Facts” video series represents a step further in Ballmer’s efforts to make government data more accessible and understandable to the American public. By presenting information in a user-friendly and engaging format, the series aims to empower viewers with the knowledge they need to navigate complex issues such as the economy, immigration, healthcare, and more. Through this initiative, Ballmer hopes to foster a culture of fact-based decision-making and critical thinking among American voters, ultimately contributing to a more informed and engaged electorate ahead of the 2024 election.

As the series progresses, viewers can look forward to episodes that explore a wide range of topics relevant to American society, shedding light on key issues that impact the country’s overall well-being and future. By analyzing data from multiple government sources, “Just the Facts” will provide viewers with a comprehensive and unbiased look at various aspects of the U.S. government and society. Through this series, Ballmer seeks to bridge the gap between citizens and government data, offering a transparent and informative resource for those seeking to better understand the complexities of governance and policy-making.

Overall, the launch of the “Just the Facts” video series represents a significant effort on Steve Ballmer’s part to promote transparency, accountability, and fact-based decision-making in American society. By using his platform and resources to educate the public on government data and trends, Ballmer is empowering citizens to become more active and informed participants in the political process. Through this initiative, he hopes to inspire greater civic engagement and awareness, ultimately leading to a more knowledgeable and empowered electorate that can make informed choices at the ballot box in the upcoming 2024 election and beyond.

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