A woman was sentenced to 18 months in jail for assaulting her stepdaughter, who weighed just 22 kilograms at the time of the incident. The girl was assaulted with a cricket ball in a sock, resulting in severe injuries including a black eye, bruising, and swelling on her head. Despite initially lying about how she received the injuries, doctors were suspicious and alerted child protection services. The injuries were deemed severe, with concerns of a skull fracture.

During the woman’s trial, the court heard that the injuries inflicted on the girl were inconsistent with the explanations provided. The woman was convicted of unlawful assault and neglect of a child engaged in conduct that would cause harm, which carry hefty terms of imprisonment ranging from 7 to 10 years. The woman’s lawyer argued for a suspended sentence due to her other children having special needs, but the judge ruled that she showed little remorse and refused to accept responsibility.

The judge acknowledged that the woman was living in a stressful environment in a blended family with children who had significant health issues. Despite this, he could not suspend her sentence due to the seriousness of the crimes committed. The woman was given concurrent 18-month and 12-month sentences for the assault and neglect charges, respectively, with eligibility for parole after nine months. A lifetime violence restraining order was also instated to protect the girl from any contact with her stepmother in the future.

The girl’s family expressed relief that the stepmother received a custodial sentence, but acknowledged that the impact on the child and family would be lasting. The girl continues to live with the trauma of the assault, and the family emphasized the importance of the doctors’ recognition of the girl’s injuries. Despite the girl initially maintaining the story provided by her stepmother, the doctors at both Busselton and Perth Children’s Hospital saw through the deception and alerted the authorities. The family remains grateful for the support and care provided by the medical professionals involved.

In conclusion, a woman was sentenced to 18 months in jail for assaulting her stepdaughter with a cricket ball in a sock, resulting in severe injuries that were initially lied about. Despite arguments for a suspended sentence due to family circumstances, the judge ruled that the seriousness of the offenses warranted a custodial sentence. The girl’s family expressed relief at the sentencing but acknowledged the lasting impact on the child and the need for ongoing support. A lifetime violence restraining order was put in place to protect the girl from any future contact with her stepmother.

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