“The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert recently made headlines with a scathing monologue targeting former President Donald Trump. Colbert, known for his sharp wit and political commentary, did not hold back in criticizing Trump on various fronts. He took aim at Trump’s policies, behaviors, and general handling of the presidency, delivering a series of jokes and critiques that hit the ex-president right where it hurts most – his ego.

One of the key areas Colbert focused on was Trump’s controversial handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Colbert highlighted Trump’s initial dismissiveness of the virus, his contradictory statements about its severity, and his administration’s failures in managing the crisis. The host did not mince words in pointing out the human cost of Trump’s incompetence, painting a picture of a leader who prioritized his own ego over the health and safety of the American people.

Colbert also took aim at Trump’s numerous legal troubles, including investigations into his business dealings and allegations of misconduct. The host did not shy away from bringing up Trump’s questionable ethics, potential conflicts of interest, and ongoing legal battles. By shining a spotlight on these issues, Colbert painted a damning portrait of a president who was more concerned with personal gain than upholding the rule of law.

In addition to criticizing Trump’s policy decisions and legal troubles, Colbert also took jabs at the ex-president’s personality and behavior. The host mocked Trump’s tendency to boast, exaggerate, and engage in petty feuds with his critics. Colbert used his comedic talents to highlight Trump’s narcissism and thin skin, portraying him as a figure who was more concerned with his image than with actually governing effectively.

One of the most impactful moments of Colbert’s monologue came when he addressed the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol. Colbert condemned Trump’s role in inciting the violence, expressing his dismay at the ex-president’s refusal to accept responsibility for the attack. The host’s emotional plea for accountability struck a chord with viewers, showcasing the depth of his anger and frustration at Trump’s actions.

Overall, Colbert’s monologue was a powerful indictment of Trump’s presidency and legacy. The host’s sharp commentary and biting humor cut through the noise to deliver a sobering reminder of the damage inflicted by the former president. By hitting Trump where it hurts most – his ego – Colbert succeeded in highlighting the many failures and shortcomings of the Trump administration while also providing a cathartic release for those who have been affected by his actions.

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