Representative Elise Stefanik of New York will be giving a speech at the Israeli Parliament, making her the highest-ranking House Republican to address the Parliament since the recent terrorist attack on October 7th. Her speech is expected to include a strong criticism of President Biden and his fellow Democrats, positioning her party as the true allies of the Jewish state. Stefanik’s speech is part of the Republican political strategy to exploit divisions within the Democratic party over Israel’s response to the attacks, particularly in light of the Biden administration’s call for Israel to end the war in Gaza.

The Republican strategy to capitalize on Democratic divisions over Israel has been evident in Congress, including a symbolic House vote aimed at rebuking President Biden for halting an arms shipment to Israel. The Biden administration has expressed concerns over the use of weapons in southern Gaza, leading to a hold on military aid. Despite this, plans are in place to sell over $1 billion in new weapons to Israel. Stefanik’s prepared remarks for her speech emphasize the importance of not blocking aid to Israel, thereby aligning herself with former President Donald Trump, who has mentioned her as a potential vice-presidential candidate.

Stefanik has positioned herself as a loyal defender of President Trump, which is evident in her prepared remarks that highlight the accomplishments of the Trump administration, such as the Abraham Accords and the relocation of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. By emphasizing her support for Israel and the accomplishments of the Trump administration, Stefanik aims to strengthen her ties with Trump and his supporters, despite the traditional idea that partisanship ends at the water’s edge. Her speech at the Knesset in Jerusalem Hall will also focus on the deep connection between the American people and Israel amidst challenging times.

In addition to her speech at the Israeli Parliament, Stefanik will meet with Israeli officials, visit religious sites, and tour locations targeted in the October 7th attacks. She has been actively involved in investigating antisemitism on college campuses, where her questioning led to the resignations of the presidents of Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania. This involvement in addressing antisemitism has provided Stefanik with a prominent role in Congress and further solidified her support for Israel and the Jewish community. Her trip to Israel and speech at the Knesset serve as a continuation of her efforts to support and strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship.

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