Dogs eating cicadas is a common occurrence, as these buzzing bugs emerge each summer and can be tempting for our furry friends. The author’s own dog has a habit of gorging on cicadas and then regurgitating them in the living room, leading to restrictions on her outdoor activities during cicada season. This behavior may seem strange, but it is not unusual for dogs to enjoy snacking on cicadas. With a massive emergence of cicadas predicted this year due to two broods converging, pet owners may be concerned about the possible effects of their dogs consuming these insects.

While cicadas are not venomous or poisonous, they can still pose some risks if ingested in large quantities. Gastrointestinal issues and potential blockages are among the concerns when dogs eat too many cicadas. It is essential for pet owners to monitor their dogs for any signs of distress or abnormal behavior after indulging in these insects. Veterinarian Jerry Klein advises keeping an eye out for symptoms such as repeated vomiting, extreme salivation, or lethargy, which may indicate a need for a vet visit. Being proactive and seeking professional advice if needed can help ensure the health and well-being of your pet during cicada season.

The upcoming double emergence of two cicada broods, Brood XIX and Brood XIII, is expected to bring a significant increase in cicada populations across 17 states in the US. This rare event, with the last double emergence occurring in 1803, will create a buzz of activity as the cicadas emerge in May and continue through mid-June. While cicadas themselves are not harmful to dogs, their shells can cause gastrointestinal irritation or potential blockages if consumed in excess. It is crucial for pet owners to be vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent their dogs from overindulging in cicadas during this period.

As pet owners brace themselves for the onslaught of cicadas this summer, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with dogs eating these insects. While cicadas are generally considered safe for pets to consume in moderation, excessive consumption can lead to health issues that may require veterinary intervention. Observing your dog for any signs of distress or unusual behavior is key to ensuring their safety during cicada season. By staying informed and taking appropriate measures to prevent overindulgence, you can help your furry companion enjoy the summer months without any unwanted complications.

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