The 14th edition of the State of the Union conference brought together experts from around the world in Florence to discuss the priorities of the next European term as the upcoming European elections approach. Economic policies, digital and green transitions were among the main topics on the agenda. The conference aimed to reflect on past achievements and to determine what Europe should focus on in the next political term. Erik Jones, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre, emphasized the importance of having a vision for Europe’s future that can unite Europeans in facing the challenges ahead.

With the new geopolitical order brought about by the war in Ukraine, questions around European defence and the future of enlargement have been raised. Some officials at the conference highlighted the upcoming EU elections as an opportunity to defend European values and democracies, as well as to combat misinformation. Věra Jourová, Vice President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency, expressed concerns about the dangers of espionage, disinformation, and other threats that aim to undermine trust in democratic systems. She stressed the importance of protecting trust as a valuable asset in Europe.

The conference discussions also touched upon technical issues involved in addressing various challenges facing Europe, such as climate change, security, and social policy. The need for a united vision and energy to tackle these issues was highlighted by speakers at the event. The State of the Union conference provided a platform for experts to exchange ideas and propose solutions to pressing issues, with a focus on unity and collaboration among European countries to address common challenges effectively.

As Europe prepares for the next political term, leaders and policymakers are faced with decisions that will impact the future of the continent. The upcoming European elections will play a crucial role in shaping the direction of Europe’s policies and priorities for the years ahead. In light of the ongoing geopolitical shifts and threats to democratic values, there is a growing emphasis on the need to strengthen trust and unity among European countries to safeguard against external influences that seek to undermine the foundations of the EU.

The State of the Union conference in Florence served as a forum for experts to delve into the complexities of the current European landscape and to propose innovative solutions to key challenges facing the continent. The discussions underscored the importance of having a cohesive vision for Europe’s future that can rally support from citizens and policymakers alike. The upcoming European elections present an opportunity for European countries to reaffirm their commitment to democratic values, combat misinformation, and address pressing issues such as climate change and digital transformation.

In conclusion, the State of the Union conference in Florence provided a platform for experts to exchange ideas, discuss pressing challenges, and chart a course for Europe’s future. The upcoming European elections will be crucial in determining the priorities and direction for the next political term, with a focus on unity, trust, and collaboration among European countries. As Europe faces a shifting geopolitical order and threats to democratic values, the conference highlighted the importance of defending European values and strengthening trust to ensure a prosperous and sustainable future for the continent.

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