Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced that he will be spending over $500,000 from his political committee to support Justice Andrew Pinson in his upcoming nonpartisan election against John Barrow. This move has garnered support from other conservatives as well, including some religiously conservative groups. Barrow, a former Democratic congressman, has centered his campaign around abortion rights, while Kemp has endorsed Pinson as a trustworthy conservative voice for the state Supreme Court.

Kemp’s Georgians First Leadership Committee has launched a television ad endorsing Pinson and is utilizing digital media, radio, and text messaging to reach voters ahead of the May 21 election. Barrow has criticized Kemp’s support for Pinson, stating that it signals a lack of trust in Pinson’s commitment to protecting abortion rights. Barrow argues that Pinson’s interpretation of the state constitution regarding abortion rights could be problematic, especially given the pending case that could eventually reach the state Supreme Court.

Pinson, who was appointed to the high court by Kemp in 2022, has garnered endorsements from many lawyers, including some Democrats. Pinson has refrained from discussing his stance on Georgia’s abortion laws, stating that it would be inappropriate for a judge to do so before making a ruling. Barrow alleges that Pinson’s past involvement in supporting the Mississippi case that led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court could impact his decisions on abortion rights cases in Georgia.

The competition between Pinson and Barrow has attracted attention and campaign funds, with Pinson outpacing Barrow in fundraising. Barrow has received endorsements from organizations like Fair Fight Action, Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates, and Reproductive Freedom for All, all advocating for abortion rights. Barrow has also faced challenges from a state Judicial Qualifications Commission warning about his campaign speech potentially violating ethics rules for judicial candidates.

Despite Barrow’s efforts, the conservative-leaning balance of the state Supreme Court is unlikely to shift significantly, as most justices were appointed by Republican governors. The outcome of the election could impact future decisions on issues like Georgia’s Heartbeat Law, which restricts abortions after fetal cardiac activity can be detected. Pinson has garnered support from conservative groups and individuals, emphasizing the importance of voting for him in light of his potential role in shaping the state’s laws and policies.

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