Alanna Gold, a new cast member of the reality show “Selling Sunset”, faced backlash from residents of Pioneertown in California after making false claims about owning the town. Gold apologized for the confusion she caused by retracting her statements and clarifying that she and her husband do not own Pioneertown. She expressed her love for the town and stated that she simply got too excited while talking about it.

Gold explained that she and her husband wanted to invest in a home and other properties in Pioneertown in order to become a part of the community. She apologized once again to the residents of Pioneertown for any disrespect she may have shown to the town’s history or its people. Despite her initial claims, Gold emphasized that she did not intend to cause harm and only wanted to share her enthusiasm for the town with others.

In Season 8 of “Selling Sunset”, Alanna Gold had impressed her fellow agents at the Oppenheim Group by stating that she and her husband were the owners of Pioneertown. To showcase their supposed ownership, Gold even took some of her colleagues on a brief visit to the town, where she showed off their expensive property. However, the claims made by Gold were quickly challenged by Pioneertown residents who deemed them as false and misleading.

Residents of Pioneertown responded to Gold’s ownership claims by posting a statement on the town’s Instagram account, denouncing her statements. They emphasized that Pioneertown has a long and celebrated history in film, arts, and culture, and that Gold’s claims belittled the contributions of many generations of artists, neighbors, and community members. The residents clarified that Pioneertown is actually privately owned by more than 100 independent parties, refuting Gold’s assertion that she and her husband owned the entire town.

The residents of Pioneertown further explained that Gold only had a small minority non-controlling interest in an entity that owns a few parcels in the Mane Street area, which constitutes less than 1% of the town’s total land. They emphasized that her claim of owning the entire town was completely false and misleading. By setting the record straight, the residents aimed to protect the history and integrity of Pioneertown from inaccurate statements made by individuals like Gold.

In light of the controversy, Alanna Gold issued a formal apology to the residents of Pioneertown for any confusion or harm she may have caused with her false claims. She expressed regret for her remarks and reaffirmed her love for the town. While her initial statements stirred up controversy and led to backlash, Gold’s apology and clarification seemed to acknowledge and rectify the misunderstanding surrounding her involvement with Pioneertown.

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