Stacey Solomon has shared with fans that she has developed abs after enduring months of grueling gym sessions following the birth of her fifth child named Belle. The 34-year-old mum of five proudly showcased her newly toned body on social media, claiming she has abs for the first time in her life. In a pink two-piece outfit, Stacey revealed her flat and toned midriff while her two youngest children played around her feet. However, to be honest, she pointed out that one of the photos showed her in activewear that sucked her in, while the other revealed her natural stomach shape, which she is proud of. Stacey’s post received numerous congratulatory messages from fans and she emphasized the importance of showing her body underneath gym clothes as well.
The former Loose Women panelist uploaded a video onto her social media grid, highlighting that it’s important to see that you can have abs some days while still having hip cushions and a womb. Stacey has been going to the gym consistently for nearly a year and wanted to reveal her body underneath the gym wear that typically holds everything together. She encouraged others to do what makes them feel good and happy, emphasizing that their happiness is the biggest priority. Fans praised her for her honesty and realness, with many expressing gratitude for her openness about body image and self-acceptance. Stacey’s message resonated with many who struggle with body image issues and felt inspired by her positivity.
Stacey enjoyed a family holiday to Abu Dhabi with her children Belle, Rose, and Rex, while her two eldest sons Zach and Leighton were also part of the trip. She and her partner Joe took the kids straight to the beach upon arrival, with it being their daughter Rose’s first time playing in the sea. The family vacation seemed to be a fun and relaxing break for Stacey and her kids, providing them with much-needed quality time together. Stacey’s social media posts from the holiday showcased a happy and carefree family enjoying some time away from the usual routine.
The TV personality’s candid approach to body positivity and self-acceptance has earned her praise from fans and followers. By showing the reality of her body underneath the gym clothes and being open about her journey to achieving abs, Stacey has become a relatable figure to many women. Her message of embracing one’s body while pursuing health and fitness goals resonates with those who struggle with body image issues or feel pressured to conform to unrealistic beauty standards. Stacey’s openness about the imperfections and strengths of her body has inspired others to appreciate and love themselves just as they are.
Stacey’s journey to developing abs after giving birth to her fifth child is a testament to her dedication to health and fitness. By sharing her progress and the reality of her body, she has empowered her fans to embrace their own bodies and prioritize their happiness above all. Stacey’s honesty about the challenges she faces, such as still having “hip cushions and a womb,” despite having abs, reminds others that everyone’s body is unique and beautiful in its own way. Through her social media posts and candid messages, Stacey Solomon continues to inspire many to love themselves and practice self-acceptance.