The effects of global warming and drought are being felt in the Lake Van Basin, where the melting of snow and the impact of rain have increased the level of water resources in the region. Professor Dr. Faruk Alaeddinoğlu, a faculty member of the Geography Department at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, pointed out that the decrease in rainfall in recent years in the Lake Van Basin has led to a decrease in water resources and withdrawals on the shores of Lake Van.

According to Alaeddinoğlu, the rainfall, which started in small scale in February, increased in March and April, and continued in May. He also mentioned that recently, there has been new snowfall in all high areas, which is a positive development for the region’s water resources.

Professor Dr. Faruk Alaeddinoğlu emphasized that the increase in rainfall has reversed the process that has led to the loss of the Lake Van’s area for years. He stated, “With the increase in rainfall, we see that there is a certain amount of improvement in Lake Van, even if it may not regain all its boundaries. This is extremely important for Lake Van and the people living in this region. This year’s rainfall has exceeded our expectations significantly. I see this as a very positive development. The rains have provided the water needed for the soil, significantly increased the water levels in the dams. Therefore, we are expecting a basin where the resources are flowing again, and the rivers will most likely flow throughout the summer. I think 2024 will be a beautiful season with abundant rainfall, where the rivers will flow significantly in the whole basin.”

Due to the flow of water, color differences have emerged in the lake,” said Alaeddinoğlu. He added that the positive effects of the rainfall in the basin will be better seen in the following period. “You can see that the water on the lake shore has different colors. On one side, you see the coast dominated by shades of brown, and right after that, you see the beautiful visual of Lake Van in a deep blue color. A picturesque scene has emerged. This demonstrates that there is a significant amount of water carried by the rivers. The melting snow and the falling rain are constantly causing floods. These floods will undoubtedly result in an improvement in the lake. We can express all of these as positive developments.”

In summary, the recent increase in rainfall in the Lake Van Basin has had positive effects on the region’s water resources, leading to an improvement in the water level of Lake Van. Professor Dr. Faruk Alaeddinoğlu emphasized the importance of this development for both Lake Van and the people living in the region. He also expressed optimism about the future of the basin, expecting a season with abundant rainfall and rivers flowing significantly in the entire area. The color differences in the lake’s water and the continuous floods caused by the flow of water indicate a promising outlook for the region’s water resources.

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