The Spanish government has reacted strongly to the comments made by Argentine President Javier Milei during a far-right convention organized by Vox in Madrid. Milei attacked Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and called his wife, Begoña Gómez, “corrupt.” The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs called for the indefinite recall of the Spanish ambassador to Buenos Aires and demanded public apologies from the Argentine president. Failure to do so would result in further action to defend Spanish sovereignty and dignity.

The Spanish government considered Milei’s comments as unprecedented and a direct attack on democracy, institutions, and Spain itself. Despite Spain’s hospitality towards Milei, he responded with a frontal attack on Spain and its government. The Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized the need for respect in diplomatic relations and condemned Milei’s behavior as a violation of international norms. The Spanish government sought support from political parties for its actions and received majority approval, except from the Partido Popular and Vox, who refrained from commenting.

Milei’s remarks at the Vox convention included personal attacks on Pedro Sánchez and his wife, drawing condemnation from the Spanish government and European Union officials. The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, emphasized the importance of respect in public debate and denounced attacks on political leaders’ family members. The lack of support from some political parties in Spain led to criticism and accusations of using the incident for political gain.

This diplomatic incident is not the first clash between Spain and Argentina since Milei took office. Previous confrontations with Chile, Venezuela, and Mexico have occurred, with a particularly serious incident involving Colombia. Milei’s confrontational style has led to strained relations with several countries, raising concerns about the impact on international diplomacy. The Spanish government’s response aims to defend its sovereignty and maintain diplomatic standards in the face of disrespectful behavior from foreign leaders.

The political fallout from Milei’s comments has created divisions within Spanish political parties, with some choosing to support the government’s actions while others criticize its handling of the situation. The role of opposition parties in foreign policy matters and the need for unity in defending national interests have become key issues in the aftermath of this incident. The Spanish government’s decision to recall the ambassador and demand public apologies sets a precedent for defending national dignity in the face of international provocations.

Overall, the Spanish government’s response to Milei’s comments highlights the importance of upholding diplomatic norms and defending national sovereignty in the face of disrespectful behavior from foreign leaders. The incident has broader implications for international relations and raises questions about the role of political parties in foreign policy matters. Despite internal divisions, the government’s firm stance sends a clear message about Spain’s commitment to respect and dignity in diplomatic relations.

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