South Dakota governor and potential Republican vice presidential candidate Kristi Noem has come under fire after a news report revealed a section of her upcoming book in which she describes killing her 14-month-old dog, Cricket. In the book, titled “No Going Back,” Noem recounts shooting the dog after deeming it “less than worthless” and “untrainable.” She then proceeded to kill a family goat, describing it as “nasty and mean.” Noem’s actions have sparked outrage on social media, with some expressing horror at her actions.

The Guardian, which obtained a copy of Noem’s book, reported on the details of the incident where she killed her dog and the family goat. Noem wrote that she led the animals to a gravel pit and shot them with her gun, describing it as a necessary but unpleasant task. The section of the book has not been independently verified by NBC News. Noem’s decision to include this story in her book has led to criticism from animal lovers and others who find her actions disturbing.

On social media, Noem faced backlash for her actions, with many expressing shock and horror at her decision to kill her dog and goat. Some users posted pictures of their own pets in response to the news. The Biden campaign also got involved, posting photos of President Biden with his family dog Commander and Vice President Kamala Harris cuddling a dog, in what appeared to be a subtle criticism of Noem’s actions. The incident has raised questions about Noem’s character and suitability for higher office.

Noem is considered a potential running mate for former President Donald Trump in a future election. She has been South Dakota’s governor for two terms and previously served as the state’s lone representative in the U.S. House. The controversy surrounding her book and the revelation of her actions towards her pets may impact her political future and public image. The incident has sparked a wider conversation about animal rights and treatment, with many calling for more compassion and empathy towards animals.

It is not uncommon for farmers to have to make tough decisions about animals on their property, but the details of Noem’s actions towards her pets have drawn criticism and condemnation. Some argue that there are more humane ways to deal with problematic animals, and that her actions were unnecessarily cruel. The controversy may have lasting repercussions for Noem’s political career and public perception, as it raises questions about her judgment and values. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible and ethical treatment of animals in all circumstances.

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