D’Youville University in New York made headlines recently when it chose a somewhat unconventional commencement speaker for its spring commencement ceremony. Rather than opting for a traditional human speaker, the university decided to have an A.I. robot named Sophia address the crowd. This decision was made in an effort to showcase the importance of technology and its potential to enhance the human experience, according to Dr. Lorrie Clemo, the university’s president. The choice of Sophia as a speaker drew mixed reactions, with some feeling that a robot was an inappropriate choice for such a significant event.

Sophia’s address at the commencement ceremony was unlike that of any human speaker. Instead of the typical cap and gown, Sophia wore a D’Youville University hoodie and engaged in a question-and-answer session with the student body president, John Rizk. Despite these unique aspects, Sophia still shared common themes of advice found in traditional commencement speeches, such as embracing lifelong learning, taking risks, and fostering meaningful connections. Sophia also highlighted the importance of embracing failure, a common piece of advice often given in such speeches.

The decision to have Sophia speak at the commencement ceremony was met with backlash from some members of the university community. An online petition was started by a student named Andrew Fields, who felt that having a robot speaker was disrespectful, especially to students who missed out on traditional graduation ceremonies due to the pandemic in 2020. The petition called for the university to replace Sophia with a human speaker, citing concerns about the impersonal nature of having an A.I. robot address the graduates.

Despite the initial criticism, D’Youville University stood by its decision to have Sophia speak at the commencement ceremony. The university offered an alternate ceremony for those who were not comfortable with a robot speaker, although ultimately this alternate ceremony was not held. Sophia’s appearance at the ceremony was brief, with the robot being interviewed on stage for about six minutes. The rest of the ceremony focused on celebrating the students and their achievements, with Sophia’s address serving as a unique and thought-provoking addition to the event.

Sophia, who was built by Hanson Robotics, has made previous speaking appearances, including at the United Nations General Assembly in 2017. The robot’s humanlike face and ability to engage in conversations have made it a popular choice for public speaking engagements. Sophia received a speaking fee for its appearance at the commencement ceremony, which went towards travel costs and the engineers who maintained the robot. Despite the initial controversy surrounding Sophia’s address, the robot’s concluding message of “anything is possible” and a supportive cheer for the Buffalo Bills garnered applause from the audience.

In the end, D’Youville University’s decision to have Sophia, an A.I. robot, speak at its commencement ceremony was a bold and unconventional choice. While the decision faced criticism from some members of the university community, it ultimately provided a unique and thought-provoking experience for the graduating class. Sophia’s address, while different from that of a human speaker, conveyed common themes of advice and encouragement to the graduates as they embarked on the next chapter of their lives. The university’s commitment to showcasing the potential of technology and embracing innovation was evident in its choice of commencement speaker, sparking conversations and reactions within the community and beyond.

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