Ikigai Fruits, a Japanese startup, is now delivering the famously pricey fruits of Japan to customers in the United States for the first time. They are offering strawberries, melons, and satsuma oranges, with plans to add other seasonal options. Prices for these luxurious fruits range from $89 for a box of strawberries to $780 for a variety pack. The fruits are carefully curated and delivered to customers’ doors in separate mini-boxes with elegant wrappers.

The high prices of these Japanese fruits are due to the intensive cultivation process they undergo. For example, crown melon farmers must train for two years before being able to form their farms. Each tree only produces a single melon, allowing all the nutrients to be concentrated into one fruit. The result is a flavor explosion described as a trifecta of sweetness, juiciness, and tenderness. The Shizuoka prefecture Fuji muskmelon is a rare designation as only one in 1,000 melons earns this title.

Growing strawberries in Japan is equally challenging as they require specialized greenhouses to protect them from pests and other elements. Transporting the delicate fruit to the U.S. is also a logistical challenge, with careful inspection and special refrigerated planes designated for flying the fruit. The most prized strawberry, the Bijin-Hime, can cost up to $500 each and is as big as a baseball. Despite these challenges, Ikigai Fruits is determined to deliver the luxury fruits to customers worldwide.

Ikigai Fruits’ campaign to bring their products to a global audience is aimed at inspiring people to appreciate the luxury fruits of Japanese agriculture. The company hopes to encourage farming at a time when younger generations are turning away from the industry, leading to a decline in Japan’s agricultural sector. By offering these high-end fruits to customers beyond Japan’s borders, Ikigai Fruits is hoping to spark an interest in farming and support local farmers across the country.

The so-called “King of Melons”, a $128 crown melon, is considered the highest quality muskmelon grown in Japan. These melons, along with the boutique strawberries and satsuma oranges, offer customers a taste of the premium fruits that Japan is known for. The meticulous care and attention to detail in the production of these fruits contribute to their high prices and exclusivity. Ikigai Fruits is dedicated to providing customers with a taste of Japan’s luxury fruits in the most convenient way possible.

With Ikigai Fruits’ innovative approach to delivering Japanese fruits to the U.S., customers no longer need to fly to Japan to experience these gourmet delicacies. The company’s mission to broaden the appeal of Japanese fruits to a global market is driven by a desire to showcase the unique flavors and quality of Japanese agriculture. By offering a variety of fruits, including strawberries, melons, and oranges, Ikigai Fruits is introducing customers to a new level of luxury and taste that was previously only available in Japan.

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