The article discusses the sense of patriotic fraternity and unity that has been revived in France following the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The author highlights the shared effort, solidarity, and happiness that have been felt by the French people during the Games, which have brought the nation together in a way that seemed impossible amidst the recent crises and political divides. The achievements of the athletes, many of whom come from diverse backgrounds, have inspired a renewed sense of pride and love for the country.

One of the key takeaways from the Olympics is the resurgence of patriotism both among the athletes and their supporters, who have come together to celebrate their heroes draped in the French flag. The author notes that there was no contradiction between supporting French athletes with a sense of national pride and celebrating athletes from around the world. The nationalism displayed by French supporters during the Games was one of openness, fraternity, and inclusion, in contrast to the exclusionary nationalism often associated with the far right.

The author warns of the temporary nature of these moments of unity and patriotism, drawing a parallel to the French Revolution and the fleeting sense of unity experienced during the Fête de la Fédération in 1790. Despite the joy and hope brought about by the Olympics, the author predicts that the political and social fractures in France will likely resurface in the near future. The days of unity and celebration will fade from the public sphere, as has been the case with previous periods of collective euphoria.

The article critiques those who eagerly anticipate the return of internal conflicts and social fractures in France, suggesting that the days of unity brought about by the Olympics will not last. The author argues against those who seek to monopolize patriotism and exclude certain groups from participating in national pride. By emphasizing the inclusive and celebratory nature of the nationalistic sentiments displayed during the Games, the author challenges divisive narratives and calls for a more united and open-minded approach to patriotism.

In conclusion, the article reflects on the fleeting nature of moments of national unity and celebration, drawing on historical examples to illustrate the ephemerality of such periods. While the Paris 2024 Olympics have rekindled a sense of patriotic fervor and pride in France, the author cautions against complacency, noting that the challenges and divisions that have plagued the country in recent years will not simply disappear. The article serves as a reminder of the importance of coming together in times of joy and celebration, while also acknowledging the need for continued effort to address the underlying issues that threaten the country’s unity.

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