In Italy, the premier Giorgia Meloni spoke out about the investigation in Bari regarding the unauthorized access by former Intesa Sanpaolo employee, Vincenzo Coviello. Coviello reportedly accessed the bank accounts of 34 politicians and over 3,500 clients from 679 branches, with a total of over 6,600 unauthorized entries. Meloni suggested that there are pressure groups in the country that may not accept having someone in power who cannot be pressured or blackmailed, and may attempt to remove them through other means. She expressed concern about the market for information, with officials and private individuals illegally obtaining and selling information, and posed the question of who is buying this information.

The unauthorized access by Coviello reportedly also targeted figures from the world of sports, entertainment, as well as top bank officials and managers, with few instances involving political figures. There were no reports of any files being downloaded during these intrusions. In a disciplinary hearing, Coviello claimed that his actions were done out of personal curiosity and that he acted alone. These intrusions also extended to monitoring credit card movements. Meloni also addressed tax issues during the interview, stating that the government is focused on lowering taxes, as opposed to the left-wing stance of increasing taxes.

Despite internal divisions over political matters like the ius scholae and ongoing investigations involving some ministers, Meloni believes that the coalition government has grown stronger over the past two years. She credited the government’s ability to work together through challenges for solidifying their relationships. Meloni highlighted the government’s fast-paced accomplishments and growing public support, which she attributed to the coalition’s cohesive and effective work ethic. The premier emphasized that the government’s success is also visible through the increase in public approval, which had not been a common occurrence before.

Regarding the Middle Eastern crisis, Meloni advocated for the liberation of Israeli hostages and a ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon, emphasizing the importance of doing what is just and not what is easy. She also underscored the need to support Israel’s right to security. Meloni condemned attacks on UN peacekeepers and stressed the government’s commitment to helping Ukraine achieve lasting peace in the face of international law violations. She reaffirmed the government’s dedication to supporting Ukraine and ensuring security in the region. The premier emphasized the importance of upholding international law and promoting peace in the midst of escalating conflicts.

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