The dismissal of riot charges against 211 migrants who stormed the border in El Paso, Texas has been seen as demoralizing for those on the ground trying to control the flow of illegal crossings. During the riot, the migrants tore through wire barriers and assaulted soldiers, leading to chaos. One soldier had his knee stomped during the incident. After the charges were dropped, those accused of taking part in the melee were released from local custody, leading to concerns that this lack of consequences will fuel more attacks against authorities at the border. It has been suggested that the decision sends a message that illegals can do whatever they want and get away with it.

Those who were acquitted, all of whom had illegally crossed into the country, were handed to federal authorities for processing, and some were likely to be released into the US to pursue asylum. The El Paso County Judge dismissed the cases citing a lack of necessary paperwork from the state. However, with most migrants released from federal custody within 72 hours, by the time an appeal is heard, those who aren’t deported are likely to be long gone from Texas. The riot charges had a maximum penalty of jail time and a fine, and there are concerns about what this lack of consequences might mean for future behavior at the border.

Following the incident, Texas sent additional troops to El Paso and added more fencing to deter illegal crossings as part of Operation Lone Star. The flow of migrants has shifted westward, with San Diego now becoming the new epicenter for illegal crossings. Border agents made roughly 37,000 arrests of illegal migrants in April alone. Since President Biden took office, more than seven million people have been caught illegally crossing the southern border, with Border Patrol encountering nearly a million people attempting to cross the border since the start of the fiscal year in 2023.

Nine migrants involved in the stampede were identified as “ringleaders” of the incident, with eight of them in custody facing separate felony charges. However, one alleged instigator remains at-large, as Border Patrol had released him into the country despite accusations of assaulting a Texas soldier. There is concern about the criminal histories of some of the migrants involved in the riot, although most do not have such histories. The El Paso District Attorney has vowed to appeal the dismissal of the riot charges in an effort to hold those involved accountable for their actions.

The soldier who spoke to The Post expressed frustration at the dismissal of the riot charges, stating that it sends a message that illegals can act with impunity. The soldier, who is part of Operation Lone Star, criticized El Paso liberals for siding with criminals over law enforcement and the military. The soldier believes that the lack of consequences will only encourage more behavior like the riot going forward. Despite the dismissal of charges, efforts are being made to hold those responsible accountable, and the legal system is working to address the issue. The ongoing situation at the border highlights the challenges faced by authorities in controlling illegal crossings and maintaining security in the region.

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