Ferragosto is a popular holiday in Italy, with many vacation destinations being fully booked. Despite this, the sea remains the preferred choice for both Italians and tourists. On August 15th, 2024, Federica Corsini reported on this trend on Tg2.

During Ferragosto, many vacation spots in Italy are fully booked, as is tradition. The sea continues to be the top choice for both Italians and tourists looking to relax and enjoy the holiday. Federica Corsini highlighted this trend in her report on Tg2 on August 15th, 2024.

This year, Ferragosto saw a surge in demand for vacation spots, with many locations being fully booked. Despite this, the sea remains the preferred destination for Italians and tourists alike. Federica Corsini reported on this trend on Tg2 on August 15th, 2024, emphasizing the popularity of beach destinations during the holiday.

While Ferragosto typically sees vacation spots in Italy fully booked, the sea remains the top choice for Italians and tourists. Federica Corsini discussed this trend in her report on Tg2 on August 15th, 2024, highlighting the continued popularity of beach destinations during the holiday season.

Ferragosto is a busy time for vacation spots in Italy, with many locations being fully booked. However, the sea remains the preferred choice for both Italians and tourists looking to relax and enjoy the holiday. Federica Corsini covered this trend in her report on Tg2 on August 15th, 2024, indicating the enduring popularity of beach destinations during Ferragosto.

As is tradition, vacation spots in Italy are fully booked during Ferragosto, with the sea being the preferred destination for both Italians and tourists. Federica Corsini reported on this trend on Tg2 on August 15th, 2024, underscoring the continued popularity of beach destinations during the holiday period.

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