A social-media influencer with the username @iambridgeet went viral after warning her followers to protect their eyes during a solar eclipse. Bridget Kyeremateng shared her own experience of looking at a solar eclipse without proper protection, leading to vision issues. She stressed the importance of using specialized glasses during an eclipse to prevent permanent eye damage. Kyeremateng’s video was viewed over 5.3 million times, coinciding with a rare total solar eclipse visible in 13 states in the U.S.

Kyeremateng admitted to staring at a solar eclipse six-and-a-half years ago without protective glasses, resulting in a blind spot in her eye the following day. She detailed her struggles with seeing objects and reading, leading her to seek help from an optometrist. The influencer was relieved to find out that the damage to her cornea was not severe, but there was distortion in certain parts of her eyes, affecting her vision. Kyeremateng emphasized the importance of learning from her mistake and avoiding the same fate.

Experts warn that during a total solar eclipse, it is only safe to look at the sun without risking eye damage for a brief period. The rest of the time, specialized eye protection is necessary to prevent retinopathy, a condition that can cause eye pain, increased light sensitivity, and blind spots. NASA recommends using eclipse glasses with proper light filtration, as sunglasses do not offer sufficient protection. There are also concerns about counterfeit eclipse glasses that may not provide adequate safety.

The space agency emphasizes that looking directly at the sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or telescope without solar filters can cause severe eye injury instantly. Kyeremateng’s experience serves as a cautionary tale for those planning to witness future solar eclipses, urging them to prioritize eye safety. The national event generated numerous warnings about protecting eyes from solar radiation, highlighting the importance of taking precautions to avoid long-term consequences on vision.

In light of the recent solar eclipse, it is crucial for individuals to learn from Kyeremateng’s story and prioritize their eye health during such celestial events. Seeking proper eye protection and following experts’ guidelines can prevent irreversible damage to the eyes. Kyeremateng’s message has resonated with millions of viewers, drawing attention to the potential risks of viewing solar eclipses without protective measures. As the next total solar eclipse approaches in 2024, it is essential for the public to heed safety precautions to enjoy the spectacle without compromising their vision.

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