The next European Parliament leadership will see familiar faces with the re-election of Iratxe García Pérez as the head of the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group and Valérie Hayer as the president of Renew Europe. García Pérez, a close ally of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, emphasized priorities such as equality, democracy, and sustainability post-her re-election. Hayer, selected by President Emmanuel Macron for a challenging campaign against the far-right National Rally, aims to maintain the liberal group’s position as a central and pro-European majority despite a decrease in MEPs.

García Pérez’s re-election was initially speculated to be challenged by an Italian candidate after Italy’s Partito Democratico (PD) performed better than expected. However, no challenger emerged allowing García Pérez to retain her position. One of her main tasks will be leading negotiations with Ursula von der Leyen for the re-election of the European Commission president. García Pérez emphasized the importance of negotiating policies rather than providing a blank check, showcasing the seriousness of their stance towards potential compromises.

Hayer’s reelection was momentarily in doubt as former Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès was seen as a strong contender to replace her. However, Wilmès did not put herself forward as a candidate. Portugal’s João Cotrim de Figueiredo did enter the race but his lack of experience and low political profile led to his withdrawal. This paved the way for Hayer to remain at the helm of Renew Europe, ensuring Paris continues to have a leading role within the liberal family despite recent challenges such as the exit of Czech MEPs.

The re-elections of García Pérez and Hayer come in the wake of the confirmation of Manfred Weber as the leader of the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP), which won the elections with 189 seats. Among other groups, the Greens selected Terry Reintke and Bas Eickhout as co-chairs for the upcoming mandate, with no other candidates contesting for the post. Despite facing challenges such as decreased MEPs and the need to maintain their influence, both García Pérez and Hayer expressed confidence in their ability to navigate the contentious and ambitious legislative landscape of the new European Parliament.

In her role as the head of the S&D group, García Pérez reiterated the group’s focus on key issues such as the Green Deal, industry investments, and support for peace in regions like Ukraine and the Middle East. Meanwhile, Hayer emphasized the indispensability of the liberal group’s political position and their commitment to being a core part of the central and pro-European majority within the Parliament. Both leaders were elected by acclamation as no challengers were put forward, highlighting the support they have within their respective groups as they prepare to lead the European Parliament through a period expected to be marked by intense debates and negotiations.

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