The President of the Italian National Institute of Statistics spoke with Rainews24 about the demographic situation in Italy, expressing concern over the aging population and declining birth rates. He emphasized the need to increase the number of employed individuals in order to support the growing elderly population. Additionally, he mentioned the upcoming launch of a new app called Contaci, which will help young people calculate their future pension benefits.

The demographic trends in Italy present a pressing issue, as the population is aging and the birth rate is declining. This has significant implications for the country’s social security system, as there will be a greater number of elderly individuals who need financial support in the future. In order to address this challenge, it is essential to increase the number of people who are employed and contributing to the pension system.

The President of the Italian National Institute of Statistics stressed the importance of finding solutions to support the aging population, including initiatives to encourage more people to enter the workforce. By increasing the number of employed individuals, the burden on the social security system can be alleviated, ensuring that there are enough resources to support retirees in the future. The launch of the Contaci app is one such initiative aimed at helping young people understand their future pension benefits and make informed decisions about their financial future.

The Contaci app is designed to provide young people with a tool to calculate their expected pension benefits based on their current situation and future plans. By using the app, individuals can better understand how their choices and contributions throughout their working life will impact their retirement income. This information can be valuable in helping individuals make decisions about their career, savings, and retirement planning.

Overall, the demographic challenges facing Italy require innovative solutions to ensure the sustainability of the social security system and support for the aging population. By increasing the number of employed individuals and implementing initiatives like the Contaci app, the country can better prepare for the future and ensure that retirees have the financial support they need. It is essential for policymakers, employers, and individuals to work together to address these issues and create a more secure future for all citizens. The launch of the Contaci app is a step in the right direction towards empowering young people to make informed decisions about their financial future and pension planning.

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