Associate Professor Altan Kar emphasized the importance of taking precautions to ensure the safety of belongings at home, particularly during holiday periods when people are away on vacation. He highlighted two main measures that individuals should take. Firstly, it is crucial for homeowners to ensure that their electrical, water, and natural gas sources are turned off when they are away. Additionally, he mentioned the use of devices that can be connected to sockets and activate electricity at certain intervals to create the impression that someone is at home, serving as a deterrent for potential intruders.

Kar also warned against leaving valuable jewelry at home while on vacation, as thieves may use detectors to locate and steal such items. He advised individuals to have secure safes installed in places such as bank vaults or secure locked locations within the house to store valuables. Furthermore, he highlighted the risks associated with sharing vacation-related information on social media, as such posts can inadvertently attract the attention of potential thieves. Kar recommended that individuals exercise caution when sharing personal details online, especially during holidays.

In terms of online security, Kar emphasized the importance of creating strong passwords for internet banking or other financial platforms. He cautioned against using personal information such as birth dates or names of family members in passwords. Instead, he suggested incorporating punctuation marks to create complex and secure passwords that are difficult to crack. He also explained the significance of utilizing two-factor authentication for additional security measures to prevent unauthorized access to accounts.

Kar underscored the potential dangers of having personal information compromised, as unauthorized access to sensitive data can lead to various forms of fraud and identity theft. He warned about the risks of being targeted by malicious individuals who exploit personal information for fraudulent activities, including accessing bank accounts, engaging in financial fraud, and identity theft. To mitigate these risks, he advised individuals to be cautious about sharing personal information online and recommended using websites that guarantee data protection in compliance with data privacy laws.

In conclusion, Kar stressed the importance of safeguarding personal information to prevent falling victim to online scams and fraudulent activities. He highlighted the role of safeguarding data and maintaining secure online practices to protect oneself from potential cyber threats. By being vigilant and proactive in protecting personal information, individuals can minimize the risks of identity theft and financial fraud. Kar encouraged individuals to prioritize online security and adopt safe practices to safeguard their personal data effectively. He urged individuals to stay informed about data privacy regulations and utilize secure platforms to ensure the safety of personal information online.

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