Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico expressed full support for Ukraine’s membership in the European Union during a joint press conference with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in Slovakia on April 11. Fico assured that Slovakia would not block Kyiv’s accession to the EU, signaling a positive stance towards Ukraine’s integration into the European bloc. This public declaration of support strengthens the bilateral relationship between Slovakia and Ukraine and reflects a commitment to furthering cooperation and unity within the European Union.

The meeting between Fico and Shmyhal also highlighted the importance of regional stability and security in Eastern Europe. Both leaders emphasized the need for solidarity and cooperation among EU member states and Eastern European nations to address common challenges and promote peace and prosperity in the region. By reaffirming Slovakia’s support for Ukraine’s EU membership, Fico and Shmyhal underscored the shared values and aspirations that bind their countries together and pave the way for closer collaboration in the future.

Fico’s statement comes at a critical juncture for Ukraine as the country seeks to deepen its ties with the European Union and advance its reform agenda. By voicing support for Ukraine’s EU membership, Slovakia sends a positive signal to other EU member states and international partners about the importance of integrating Ukraine into the European bloc. This public declaration of solidarity and cooperation lays the groundwork for enhanced political, economic, and security cooperation between Slovakia and Ukraine, contributing to regional stability and prosperity in Eastern Europe.

In addition to supporting Ukraine’s EU aspirations, Slovakia and Ukraine also discussed bilateral cooperation in various areas, including trade, investment, energy, and infrastructure. Both countries expressed a commitment to strengthening their economic ties and fostering mutual prosperity through increased cooperation and partnership. By deepening their bilateral relationship, Slovakia and Ukraine aim to leverage their respective strengths and resources to boost economic development and enhance the well-being of their citizens.

Furthermore, Fico and Shmyhal emphasized the importance of maintaining close collaboration on security and defense issues to address common threats and challenges in the region. As neighboring countries in Eastern Europe, Slovakia and Ukraine share a strategic interest in enhancing security cooperation and promoting stability in the region. By working together on security matters, including efforts to counter hybrid threats and promote cybersecurity, Slovakia and Ukraine demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding regional peace and stability.

Overall, Fico’s assurance of Slovakia’s full support for Ukraine’s EU membership underscores the importance of unity and solidarity among European nations in promoting peace, security, and prosperity in the region. Through their joint press conference and discussions on bilateral cooperation, Fico and Shmyhal reaffirmed the strong ties between Slovakia and Ukraine and highlighted the potential for deeper collaboration in various areas. By working together to advance Ukraine’s European integration process and enhance bilateral relations, Slovakia and Ukraine aim to contribute to a more stable and prosperous future for Eastern Europe.

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