Flying can be brutal on the skin, and wearing makeup during a flight can make things worse. This advice comes from a skincare influencer known as D the Korean, who has a large following on TikTok. He warns against wearing makeup on planes because it can dry out the skin and make it oily to compensate. This can lead to pasty-looking makeup and overall skin damage. D also recommends doing squats after a flight to increase blood flow to the face.

Air quality is a significant factor in skin wellness, both on the ground and at cruising altitudes. Research has shown that toxins in the air can harm skin cells, break down collagen, and accelerate the aging process. Additionally, the threat of UV rays is heightened while flying. It is essential to apply sunscreen before and during a flight to protect the skin from the high levels of UV radiation. Flight attendants suggest using sunscreen on hands and face during flights to prevent sun damage.

For those who can’t resist wearing makeup while flying, flight attendant Lacy-Margaret has shared a list of her favorite “plane-air approved” makeup products. These products are specifically designed to withstand dry air and long days of travel without cracking or drying out. By using these makeup products, passengers can maintain their glamour while minimizing the effects of air travel on their skin.

While it may be tempting to doll up before a flight, it is essential to consider the impact of air travel on the skin. The advice from skincare influencers and flight attendants alike emphasizes the importance of skincare during flights to prevent damage from toxins and UV rays. By following their recommendations, passengers can protect their skin and maintain a healthy glow even while traveling through the less-than-skin-friendly skies.

It’s crucial to take care of your skin before, during, and after a flight to minimize the negative impacts of air travel. Avoiding heavy makeup and opting for skincare products that can withstand the dry air and high UV levels is essential. Additionally, incorporating skincare routines such as applying sunscreen and performing facial exercises can help maintain skin health during and after a flight. By following these tips, passengers can enjoy a glam-free yet healthy travel experience.

Overall, the key takeaway is to prioritize skincare over makeup while flying to protect the skin from the harsh effects of air travel. By following the advice of skincare influencers and flight attendants, passengers can ensure that their skin remains healthy and radiant even in the challenging conditions of an airplane cabin. With the right skincare products and routines in place, passengers can navigate the skies with confidence and keep their skin looking its best throughout their journey.

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