The number of fatalities in the attack that killed three Spaniards in the Afghan city of Bamiyan last Friday has risen to six, according to the Taliban authorities. In addition to the initial three Spanish citizens and one Afghan whose deaths were reported earlier, two more Afghans were killed in the attack. The group of Spanish tourists consisted of eight people, with two remaining unharmed and expected to leave the country on Sunday, according to diplomatic sources. The survivors recounted that they were shopping in an outdoor market in Bamiyan when an individual opened fire on them, suggesting a terrorist attack or bombing targeting the group of Western tourists.

The Afghan Interior Ministry has arrested seven suspects believed to be involved in the attack, which is the deadliest against foreigners since the Taliban regained power in Kabul in August 2021. The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is collaborating with the European Union delegation in Kabul to ensure the repatriation of the deceased bodies as soon as possible. They are also working on repatriating the injured person once they are stable enough for transport. The group of Spanish tourists included three Catalans who were killed, as well as three others from different regions of Spain, whose identities have not been disclosed.

The presence of Spanish tourists in Afghanistan has surprised diplomatic circles, as the Ministry’s website clearly warns against traveling to Afghanistan due to the risk of kidnapping or attacks throughout the country. Despite the advisory, the Spanish tourists decided to visit the country, leading to the tragic incident. The Spanish government has been in contact with the families of the victims and with the Catalan authorities to provide assistance and support. Although there may be legal consequences for the organizers of the trip, the priority is currently on repatriating the deceased, the injured, and the unharmed individuals.

Spain does not diplomatically recognize the Taliban regime, but continues to engage with the Kabul government to evacuate Spanish collaborators and human rights defenders from the country. The Foreign Ministry is focused on the repatriation efforts for the affected individuals and on providing assistance and support to the victims and their families. The attack in Bamiyan underscores the danger and instability in Afghanistan, and the importance of heeding travel warnings and advisories issued by governments to ensure the safety of citizens abroad.

The attack in Bamiyan has raised concerns about the security situation in Afghanistan, particularly for Western tourists. The incident is still under investigation, and while the Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP) is suspected of involvement, no official claim of responsibility has been made. The Spanish government remains committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens abroad, and is working to repatriate the affected individuals and provide necessary assistance. The tragic attack serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with travel to high-threat areas like Afghanistan, and the importance of staying informed and cautious when traveling internationally.

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