Kristin Marino and Maya Peretz are two young women who share a profound bond of loss. Marino’s father, FDNY firefighter Kenneth Joseph Marino, was killed on September 11, 2001, when she was just 3 years old. Every year, she visits the World Trade Center reflecting pools to pay tribute to her father, finding peace and comfort in the place where he remains since his body was never found. In a new documentary, Marino meets Peretz, whose father died while trying to save her from a terror attack in Israel. Peretz shared with Marino the feeling of expecting her father to come back home, a feeling Marino could relate to since her father was never found, leading her to hope he would return.

Despite living on opposite sides of the world, Marino and Peretz were brought together in the documentary to share their experiences and bond over the healing powers of friendship. Marino was nervous about meeting Peretz, as they have different beliefs, live in different parts of the world, and speak different languages. However, she knew they were meant to meet and trusted that things would unfold as they were meant to. Peretz mentioned that their shared experience of trauma from terrorism created a unique understanding and connection between them that few others have experienced.

Their unlikely bond caught the attention of Dan Luxemberg, who decided to share their story with the world through the documentary. Marino expressed that her intention was to show that stories like hers are happening all around the world and to remind others that they are not alone in their grief. Peretz echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the importance of staying strong and continuing with life in the best possible way for those they have lost. Despite their different backgrounds and beliefs, Marino and Peretz found a common ground in their shared experiences of loss and trauma.

Marino, who has not lost her faith despite losing her father, now feels a responsibility to uplift others who are dealing with trauma. She uses her platform as a Christian social media influencer to reach out to her millions of followers and remind them that they are not alone in their struggles. She believes that regardless of who loses a parent, whether it’s a father, a mother, or any other loved one, the pain is universal and can bring people together in a powerful and special way. Marino and Peretz’s story serves as a testament to the strength that can be found in shared experiences of loss and the healing power of friendship. Their bond transcends language, cultural barriers, and geographic distance, showing that human connection and empathy can prevail over even the deepest grief and trauma.

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