The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a warning about a powerful geomagnetic storm reaching Earth, resulting in a Level 5 storm that can cause widespread voltage control and grid problems. This is the first storm of such magnitude since Halloween 2003 and may impact power grids at latitudes north of 55 degrees in the United States. GPS systems, satellite navigation, and other technologies could also be impacted, as the K-scale quantifies disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul is monitoring the potential impacts of the geomagnetic storm, which is expected to continue through Monday morning. State personnel are coordinating with industry stakeholders and the federal government to ensure preparedness. The rare phenomenon will make the northern lights visible as far south as Alabama, with the clearest visibility available to more northern states in North America. Visibility will be best around midnight, depending on cloud coverage and light pollution.

The aurora phenomenon has been captured in breathtaking scenes from across the globe, with social media users sharing images and videos of pink and purple hues shining down on snow-covered landscapes, including the Bernese Alps and Maine. Even viewers in war-torn regions like Ukraine have been able to witness the Northern Lights. The geomagnetic storm causing this event has been traced back to a vast sunspot cluster that’s 17 times the diameter of Earth, with geomagnetic storms becoming more common as the sun reaches the maximum phase of its solar cycle.

The current Solar Cycle 25 began in 2019 and could continue until 2030, contributing to the increased frequency of geomagnetic storms reaching Earth. Geomagnetic storms are caused by strong energy pulses released from the sun that impact our planet, resulting in awe-inspiring displays of the Northern Lights visible in various regions. The Level 5 geomagnetic storm has the potential to impact power grids, GPS systems, and satellite navigation at latitudes north of 55 degrees. Visuals of the aurora across North America have been shared widely on social media, showcasing the beauty of the event.

The impact of the geomagnetic storm could lead to complete grid collapse or blackouts in some areas. However, state and federal coordination is underway to minimize potential disruptions to the electrical grid and radio communications. Residents in states from Virginia to Northern California can expect clear visibility of the Northern Lights, with the possibility of sighting the lights as far south as Alabama. The spectacle is expected to be visible from sundown to sunrise, with some of the clearest viewing opportunities available in the more northern states.

Overall, the geomagnetic storm causing the Northern Lights event has been upgraded to a Level 5, making it one of the most significant storms since Halloween 2003. States worldwide, including the US and Ukraine, have witnessed the phenomenon, with social media offering a platform to share stunning visuals of the event. As the sun continues through its solar cycle, geomagnetic storms have become more common, allowing for greater opportunities to witness the Northern Lights phenomenon across different regions of the world.

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