Following the closure of a school in Pioltello for the end of Ramadan, the University for Foreigners in Siena has decided to suspend its classes on April 10th as a gesture of solidarity for the Islamic holiday. The decision, signed by rector Tommaso Montanari, aims to show support for the largely Muslim population of Gaza who are facing a continuous and unprecedented massacre. Additionally, classes will also be suspended on October 11th, Yom Kippur, in remembrance of the tragedy that occurred last year on October 7th. The university’s mission is to promote multiculturalism and contribute to peaceful coexistence, which is deemed particularly urgent in today’s world.

The rector’s decree cites the university’s statute, which states that the institution promotes and supports processes of encounter, dialogue, and mediation among individuals with diverse languages and cultures to foster a civil and peaceful coexistence based on mutual recognition and respect. The university is committed to spreading multilingualism and multiculturalism in line with the guidelines set by European institutions and the United Nations. One of the rector’s goals is to build relationships beyond diplomatic channels, beyond affiliations, and beyond colonial or promotional strategies to cultivate a global citizenship based on a multiculturalism that values identity as an opportunity for interaction, not as a barrier.

The decision to suspend classes on April 10th was made after consulting with the director of the Department of Humanities Studies and the general director, who also oversees the educational management area and the University Public Relations Office. The rector decreed the suspension of educational activities on that day as a gesture of solidarity for the ‘Id al-Fitr’, the important Islamic holiday celebrating the end of Ramadan. Montanari announced that the decision would be subject to a press release from the University right after Easter, emphasizing the importance of showing support for the Palestinian population in Gaza through visible actions of solidarity and understanding.

The gesture of suspending classes on April 10th is part of the university’s commitment to fostering a culture of understanding, respect, and dialogue among people from various backgrounds. By recognizing and celebrating diverse languages and cultures, the university aims to contribute to a global mission of peaceful coexistence and mutual acceptance in a world marked by conflicts and divisions. The decision to suspend classes on important religious holidays like Yom Kippur and ‘Id al-Fitr is seen as a step towards promoting multiculturalism and tolerance within the university community and beyond, reflecting a commitment to shared values and a vision of a more inclusive and harmonious society.

In light of recent events and the ongoing conflicts affecting various communities worldwide, the University for Foreigners in Siena is taking proactive steps to show support and solidarity with those facing oppression and violence. By aligning with principles of multiculturalism, respect for diversity, and peaceful coexistence, the university sets an example for fostering understanding and empathy among individuals of different backgrounds. Through its actions and decisions, the university demonstrates a commitment to building bridges between cultures and promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society where differences are not seen as barriers, but as opportunities for enrichment and growth.

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