Heavy gunfire erupted in downtown Port-au-Prince, Haiti as police clashed with gang members near the National Palace for several hours. Reports indicated that at least one policeman was shot and an armored car was set on fire, trapping scores of people in the area. Some managed to flee while others were stuck for hours until police were able to rescue them. This incident comes after a wave of violence that began on Feb. 29, with powerful gangs attacking government infrastructure, including police stations, the international airport, and prisons, releasing over 4,000 inmates.

The violence has resulted in over 1,500 reported deaths and 826 injuries as of March 22, according to the U.N. Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced his resignation last month, pending the creation of a transitional council of nine members who will be responsible for appointing a new prime minister and council of ministers. However, there are concerns over the legality of this council as it has not been formally established yet. The government issued a statement raising constitutional and legal questions regarding the transitional council, noting that the constitution and Haitian laws do not provide for such an institution.

The current council of ministers met to discuss the transitional council and shared a draft decree with legal experts to ensure compliance with the laws of the republic. They also plan to create a joint commission to oversee the handover of responsibilities. Henry received a list of nine people nominated for the transitional council and a draft decree establishing the council. However, his absence from Haiti due to an official trip to Kenya to advocate for the deployment of a police force from East Africa adds complexity to the political situation. The government is working towards finalizing the transitional council and addressing legal concerns surrounding its formation.

Haiti continues to grapple with widespread violence and instability, with frequent gunfire still echoing daily in certain areas of the capital. The ongoing clashes between police and gang members have resulted in a significant loss of life and raised concerns about the effectiveness of law enforcement in the country. The proposed transitional council, once established, will play a crucial role in appointing new leadership to navigate the political crisis and address the security challenges facing Haiti. The government is working towards resolving legal issues related to the council’s formation and ensuring compliance with the constitution and existing laws.

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