The video captured by Jamie Rollison in Swansea shows around 30 rats running in and out of shrubbery in the city center in the early hours of the morning. This large number of rats, gathering in one place, surprised Jamie and his friend as they had never seen so many clustered together before. The council has sent pest control officers to assess the situation and take necessary action.

The issue of rats in Swansea city center was observed by Jamie Rollison, who saw around 30 of them running around between Princess Way and The Kingsway. This unusual sight of rats in a renovated area of the city center raised concerns, as there was no food or rubbish attracting them. Although not scared of the rats, Jamie found their presence off-putting and something unexpected in that area. The council offers free pest control services to residents to address such infestations promptly.

The video of rats swarming in the city center prompted action by Swansea Council, who dispatched pest control officers to assess the situation and determine if intervention was necessary. The council’s free pest control service for residents allows for reporting of suspected rat infestations via their website. The incident of rats running in and out of shrubbery in the city center is seen as unusual and concerning, given the large number of rats clustered together.

The large number of rats observed in Swansea city center by Jamie Rollison and his friend raised concerns about public health and safety in that area. The presence of rats in a newly renovated section of the city center was unexpected and off-putting for residents and visitors. The council’s response to the rat infestation involves assessing the site, determining the action needed, and offering free pest control services to address such issues promptly.

The presence of rats in the city center poses risks to public health and cleanliness, as well as the overall image of the area. The unusual sight of around 30 rats running in and out of shrubbery raised concerns among residents and visitors. Swansea Council’s prompt action to address the rat infestation demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a clean and safe environment for the community. Residents can report pest issues through the council’s website for quick intervention and support.

Overall, the video capturing rats swarming in Swansea city center highlights the importance of proactive pest control measures to ensure public health and safety. The council’s response to the rat infestation, including assessing the site and offering free pest control services, demonstrates their commitment to addressing such issues promptly. Observing a large number of rats clustered together in a renovated area of the city center was unexpected and off-putting, prompting concerns among residents and visitors. Residents are encouraged to report pest issues for immediate action and support.

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