A cement truck driver in Texas admitted to consuming cocaine and marijuana before causing a crash that resulted in the deaths of two people, including a 5-year-old boy and a university student. Newly released dashcam footage showed no evidence of a broken-down vehicle in front of the cement truck, contradicting the driver’s claim that he swerved to avoid it. The video captured the terrifying moment when the truck veered into oncoming traffic and collided with a school bus carrying preschoolers, causing significant damage to the bus and injuries to many passengers.

The crash happened in less than 10 seconds, killing two individuals and injuring several others who were on the bus. The driver, Jerry Hernandez, was arrested and charged with criminally negligent homicide. According to court documents, Hernandez admitted to smoking marijuana and consuming cocaine before the crash, despite only having three hours of sleep. He claimed that he swerved to avoid a broken-down vehicle but the dashcam footage showed that there was nothing obstructing his path.

The school bus involved in the crash was carrying 40 preschoolers and 11 adults returning from a field trip to the zoo. Several passengers were airlifted to hospitals in critical condition, while others were taken by ambulance for serious injuries. The victims did not have seat belts on the bus, which may have contributed to the severity of the injuries sustained during the crash. If convicted, Hernandez could face up to two years in prison and a fine of $10,000 for his role in the tragic accident.

The community was shocked by the devastating impact of the collision, as many families were affected by the loss of loved ones and injuries suffered by survivors. The young boy who lost his life, Ulises Rodriguez Montoya, and the university student, Ryan Wallace, were remembered as vibrant individuals with promising futures. The school district and local authorities pledged to investigate the circumstances surrounding the crash to prevent similar accidents in the future and ensure the safety of school bus passengers.

The tragic incident highlighted the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs and the importance of following safety regulations while operating vehicles. Hernandez’s actions caused irreparable harm to the victims and their families, leading to a criminal investigation and potential legal consequences for his reckless behavior. The community came together to support those affected by the crash and to honor the memories of the lives lost in the senseless tragedy. Efforts were made to improve safety measures for school buses and to raise awareness about the risks associated with impaired driving.

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