Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat from Texas, made false statements to a group of high school students in Houston, claiming that the moon is a planet mostly made up of gases. She also made several other inaccurate statements during a solar eclipse event at Booker T. Washington High School in Houston. Jackson Lee told the students that the moon emits unique light and energy and misstated how solar eclipses occur. She also incorrectly stated that the moon was the closest it had been to the earth in the last 20 years.

Additionally, she expressed her desire to be first in line to learn how to live and survive on the moon, referring to it as another planet. After a video of her misinforming students was shared online, Jackson Lee responded, admitting she misspoke and meant to say the sun. She dismissed the criticism as a distraction from more important issues such as prenatal care, affordable housing, and student loan debt. This is not the first time Jackson Lee has made questionable statements regarding science, as she has previously demanded to see a flag planted on Mars during a visit to NASA, despite no human having visited the planet.

Jackson Lee has a history of controversial statements, including claiming that the U.S. Constitution is 400 years old, which is off by nearly 200 years. She has also been criticized for her treatment of staff members, with former employees alleging that she used demeaning language, name-calling, and forced them to work long hours. Despite her missteps and controversies, Jackson Lee has turned these issues into political matters, dismissing criticism and redirecting attention to what she deems more important causes such as protecting the rights of women and children.

In response to the criticism she received for misinforming students during the solar eclipse event, Jackson Lee defended herself by stating that Republicans were focused on trivial matters instead of important issues. She also emphasized her concern for the children who may not have experienced the eclipse in the same enthusiastic manner. Jackson Lee’s tendency to make inaccurate statements and controversial remarks has drawn attention to her behavior as a member of Congress, with past incidents highlighting her confrontational and demanding attitude towards staff members. Despite these criticisms, she remains in office and continues to represent her district in Texas.

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