Nicole Shanahan, the running mate of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has made an $8 million donation to the campaign to assist with efforts to get on the ballot in all 50 states and Washington, DC. The wealthy Silicon Valley patent attorney made the announcement during a comedy show fundraiser in Nashville and dismissed accusations that she was only chosen for her money, stating that the donation would provide Americans with an additional choice in the upcoming election. The Kennedy campaign confirmed that the $8 million donation provided by Shanahan in April will help fully fund their 50-state ballot access effort.

Kennedy campaign manager Amaryllis Fox Kennedy emphasized the importance of funding ballot access, which can be a significant challenge for independent candidates. She stated that Americans deserve an alternative to the current political system and that the campaign is working towards providing that option. Shanahan echoed this sentiment, expressing a desire to break the domination of the Democrat-Republican duopoly in the presidential election process and revitalize American democracy. The funds provided by Shanahan are intended to support this goal, rather than simply fund their own campaign.

Kennedy is focused on qualifying for CNN’s presidential debate scheduled for June 27. In order to qualify for the debate, candidates must be on enough state ballots to potentially earn at least 270 Electoral College votes and receive a minimum of 15% support in four national polls that meet CNN’s standards. Kennedy has garnered 15% support in two qualifying polls and is currently on the ballot in six states, making him eligible for 89 Electoral College votes. The campaign has also secured enough signatures to gain ballot access in eight additional states, positioning them well for qualification.

Shanahan, who has previously donated $2 million to Kennedy’s campaign and $4 million to a pro-Kennedy super PAC, has been a significant financial supporter of the campaign. Her contributions have enabled the campaign to pursue various strategies, including funding a Super Bowl television advertisement through the American Values 2024 super PAC. Shanahan’s influential role in providing financial support to the campaign underscores her commitment to challenging the existing two-party dominance in American politics and facilitating a more diverse and inclusive election process.

The Kennedy campaign remains optimistic about their chances in the upcoming election, with Shanahan asserting that Kennedy will emerge victorious in the CNN debate. Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have accepted CNN’s invitation to debate, having met the qualification criteria set by the network. Kennedy’s campaign is actively working towards meeting the necessary requirements for participation in the debate while continuing to focus on their goal of providing Americans with an alternative choice in the presidential election. The commitment and financial support from Shanahan and other donors have played a crucial role in advancing the campaign’s objectives and challenging the traditional political paradigm.

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