Several people have suffered minor injuries from smoke inhalation due to a fire on Wednesday in a building on Avenida México, in the Nou Llevant neighborhood of Palma. According to the City Council of the capital of the Balearic Islands, the fire started on the third floor of a 13-story building at around 4:00 pm. Six units of the Palma Fire Department, four ambulances, and several units of the Local Police responded to the scene. Images broadcasted by the regional television channel IB3 show a thick black smoke coming out of the building, surrounded by others of shorter height.

The causes of the fire have not yet been revealed, but the smoke from the fire has affected not only the third floor but also several of the upper floors. The firefighters report that the apartment has been severely affected. The residents of the building were evacuated, with several of them suffering from smoke inhalation and receiving care from the island’s emergency services. The regional newspaper Última Hora reported that one of the neighbors had to climb out onto the window ledge with his child in his arms, awaiting rescue by the firefighters. The initial report mentioned two injured individuals taken to the hospital, in addition to the ten people affected by smoke inhalation as reported by Diario de Mallorca.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of fire safety measures and preparedness in residential buildings. The swift response of the emergency services and the evacuation of the residents likely prevented more serious injuries or casualties. The images of the black smoke billowing out of the building highlight the potential dangers of fires and the need for vigilance in fire prevention. The residents who were affected by the fire will require support and assistance in dealing with the aftermath of the incident, and it is essential for the community to come together to provide help and resources where needed.

The coordination between the various emergency response teams demonstrates the effectiveness of preparedness and training in handling such critical situations. The prompt action taken by the firefighters, paramedics, and police ensured that the injured individuals were promptly attended to and transported to the hospital for further medical care. The impact of the fire on the affected apartment and the adjacent units underscores the destructive nature of fires and the importance of fire safety protocols in buildings. The quick and efficient response to the incident reflects the dedication and professionalism of the emergency responders in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

Overall, the incident in the building on Avenida México serves as a stark reminder of the potential risks and consequences of fires in residential areas. The injuries and damage caused by the fire highlight the importance of proper fire safety measures and preparedness in buildings to prevent such incidents from occurring. The residents affected by the fire will require support and assistance in recovering from the trauma, and the community must come together to provide aid where needed. The rapid response of the emergency services and the cooperation between various response teams played a crucial role in mitigating the impact of the fire and ensuring the safety of the residents in the building.

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