Two senators are urging the government to respect the deadlines for presenting the budget for 2025. The president of the Senate Finance Committee, Claude Raynal, emphasized the critical budget situation in the country, exacerbated by post-legislative political paralysis. Bercy, the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, recently communicated to parliamentarians that there could be a deficit of 5.6% in 2024 due to increased spending by local authorities and disappointing tax revenues.

Jean-François Husson, the general rapporteur of the Senate Finance Committee, condemned the government’s budget policy as “catastrophic” and expressed concern about reaching deficit levels similar to those seen during the Covid-19 crisis. He noted that after a deficit increase in 2023, former Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire had claimed the budget situation was under control, describing it as an “exceptional event.” However, Husson observed that the same situation is unfolding for 2024, leading him to believe that the government’s presented trajectory was misleading.

Thomas Cazenave, the former junior minister responsible for public accounts, refuted accusations of dishonesty regarding the budget. He claimed that the government had provided all requested information to Parliament in a timely manner and had even gone above and beyond the parliamentarians’ requests. Despite this, concerns remain about the government’s ability to effectively manage the budget and address the growing deficit, as highlighted by the senators’ call to present the 2025 budget before the October 1st deadline.

The senators’ warning comes as the country faces increased uncertainty and financial instability due to ongoing political paralysis following legislative elections. The delay in presenting the budget for 2025 could further exacerbate the existing budget crisis, with Bercy projecting a significant deficit increase for the upcoming year. The inability to effectively manage spending and revenue collection has raised concerns about the government’s overall budgetary strategy and its ability to address the country’s financial challenges.

The criticism from the Senate Finance Committee reflects broader concerns about the government’s handling of the budget and its failure to meet deficit reduction targets. The repeated deficits and lack of transparency in budget planning have eroded confidence in the government’s ability to effectively manage public finances and steer the country towards financial stability. As the deadline for presenting the 2025 budget looms, the pressure is mounting on the government to address these concerns and provide a clear and realistic budget plan that can restore confidence in the country’s financial management.

In conclusion, the senators’ call for the government to respect the deadlines for presenting the budget for 2025 underscores the urgent need for effective financial management and transparency in budget planning. The current budget crisis, exacerbated by political paralysis and deficit increases, highlights the challenges facing the government in addressing the country’s financial stability. As the government faces growing criticism and scrutiny over its budget policies, it must take decisive action to restore confidence in its ability to manage public finances and navigate the country towards a more stable financial future.

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