On September 17, there will be a partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces, affecting all zodiac signs. However, four signs – Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius – are expected to experience breakthroughs and breakdowns due to the eclipse’s activation of their modality. Astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim highlights that the mutable signs will be particularly impacted by this eclipse, as it can help individuals break apart delusional perspectives and wake up to any unrealistic beliefs that may be hindering their progress.

For Geminis, the eclipse will illuminate their tenth house of vocation and public standing. According to Grim, this is a time for career evaluations and potential transitions. Geminis may need to reevaluate their career aspirations and make changes if necessary, with Grim advising them to wait until Saturn turns direct on November 16 for monetary decisions. Additionally, the eclipse could lead to resolutions in power struggles, unveiling of veils, and shifts in perspectives, particularly in relationships with parents or as parents.

Virgos are poised for major changes in significant relationships during this eclipse, leading to realizations about partnerships and the need for healing to improve connections. Grim stresses that this eclipse will be pivotal for Virgos in terms of communication, clarity, and transparent relationship dynamics. With Mercury also in their sign, Virgos are expected to be perceptive and able to detect insincerity in their relationships.

Sagittarians may experience significant changes in their home or family dynamics during this eclipse, confronting obligations they may have been ignoring. Grim warns Sagittarians to be prepared for sudden revelations related to their living situation or family relationships. Questions for Sagittarians to consider during this eclipse include where they want to live, how they are shouldering family responsibilities, and what their long-term home looks like.

For Pisces, the eclipse activates their first house of the self, signaling a release of formative aspects of their identity. Grim suggests that Pisces may release toxic health habits, change their lifestyle, or have a spiritual awakening during this time. This eclipse could inspire Pisces through vivid dreams or mystical experiences, guiding them towards a new chapter in life. For some Pisces, the overwhelming energy of this eclipse may lead to a need for retreat, reflection, and reset to understand and release any delusional habits or thought patterns holding them back.

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