Filmmaker Errol Morris has debuted his new documentary “Separated” at the Venice Film Festival, focusing on the U.S. government’s border policies and family separation under the Trump administration. The film sheds light on the thousands of migrant parents who were separated from their children, with minors being transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services due to criminal prosecution of their parents. Despite strong opposition, the practice was eventually halted in 2018 after a federal judge’s ruling, ordering immediate reunification. According to Department of Homeland Security figures, 3,881 children were separated from their families between 2017 and 2021.

Based on journalist Jacob Soboroff’s book “Separated: Inside an American Tragedy,” the film is a collaboration between Morris, NBC News Studios, Participant, Fourth Floor, and Moxie Pictures. While the focus is on the Trump administration’s actions, the documentary also includes historical context with previous American presidents discussing immigration. Morris hopes the film serves as both an exploration of past misdeeds and a cautionary tale for the future, emphasizing the need for a better way to address immigration issues.

Soboroff, a correspondent for NBC News, stated that he is not advocating for specific policy decisions but aims to prevent similar situations from happening again. The documentary features a dramatic recreation of a family separation, interviews with key figures such as former acting head of the Department of Homeland Security Elaine Duke, and whistleblower Jonathan White. The film also covers President Joe Biden’s efforts to reunite families, with nearly 700 children already reconnected with their families, while around 1,000 children remain separated.

“Separated” runs for 93 minutes and does not yet have distribution. Morris expressed the importance of releasing the film before the upcoming U.S. presidential election, hoping it will make a difference and raise awareness about the issue of family separation at the border. The documentary aims to remind people of what happened and encourage them to internalize the truth. With a combination of reenactments, interviews, and historical footage, the film seeks to provide a comprehensive look at the impact of the U.S. government’s border policies on migrant families. The team behind the documentary is determined to bring attention to this pressing issue and spark conversations about immigration reform.

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