Senator John Kennedy criticized President Biden for not taking a stronger stance against Iran following an attack on Israel. The administration reportedly advised Israel not to retaliate after Iran launched hundreds of missiles and drones at the Jewish state. Kennedy accused Biden of wavering in his support of Israel and called on him to show more resolve. He warned that peace through weakness is ineffective with aggressive adversaries like Iran.

Despite Iran launching around 300 drones and missiles at Israel, the majority were intercepted by air defenses. In response, Israel sent fighter jets to strike Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, including a weapon-manufacturing site. While Israel has not announced plans for further retaliation, The New York Times reported that the Biden administration has advised against it. Kennedy criticized Biden for allegedly being influenced by the Hamas wing of the Democratic Party and urged him to strengthen his support for Israel.

Kennedy highlighted the importance of standing with Israel against Iran and its surrogates. He argued that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Yemen are all proxies for Iran, with Iran being the true antagonist. Kennedy emphasized that Iran harbors animosity towards both Americans and Jews and reiterated the need for the U.S. to stand firm against them. He warned against turning a blind eye to Iran’s hostile intentions, as doing so could have severe consequences.

President Biden faced criticism for his response to Iran’s attack on Israel, particularly for his failed attempts to deter Iran from carrying out the attack. When asked about his message to Iran ahead of the expected attack, Biden simply said, “Don’t.” Kennedy cautioned against underestimating Iran’s intentions and highlighted the need for the U.S. to demonstrate strength in the face of aggression. He called on Biden to take a firmer stance against Iran and its allies to protect American and Israeli interests.

Kennedy’s remarks on “Fox News Sunday” underscored his belief that the U.S. must not waver in its support for Israel in the face of Iranian aggression. He criticized the Biden administration for allegedly advising Israel not to retaliate after the attack. Kennedy described Iran’s proxies as pawns in a larger conflict against Israel orchestrated by Iran itself, warning of the dangers of appeasement towards the regime. He stressed the need for a strong and unwavering stance against Iran to safeguard American and Israeli interests.

In conclusion, Senator John Kennedy’s comments on President Biden’s response to Iran’s attack on Israel highlighted the need for a stronger stance against Iranian aggression. He criticized Biden for allegedly wavering in his support for Israel and urged the administration to take a firmer stance against Iran and its surrogates. Kennedy warned of the dangers of peace through weakness and emphasized the importance of standing with Israel against Iranian threats. He called on the U.S. to demonstrate resolve in the face of Iranian hostility to protect American and Israeli interests.

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