Senate Republicans, led by Sen. Mitt Romney, are pushing for the nationwide adoption of E-Verify technology in an effort to curb the employment of illegal immigrants. The bill proposed by Romney and several other senators would require employers to verify the eligibility of prospective employees to work in the U.S. prior to hiring them. The lawmakers believe that implementing E-Verify technology for all companies will eliminate a key incentive for illegal immigration. They argue that President Biden’s executive actions on the border crisis are insufficient, and that requiring all employers to use E-Verify would protect American jobs by ensuring that businesses only hire legal workers.

President Biden’s recent executive order aims to limit asylum by temporarily suspending non-citizen entries across the southern border when the average number of encounters exceeds 2,500 people per day over a period of seven days. The suspension would remain in effect until the number of encounters drops below 1,500 for two weeks. Senator Tom Cotton emphasized that American workers are currently competing against millions of illegal immigrants for limited job opportunities, which he views as unfair. He believes that ending the black market for illegal labor will create more job opportunities for American workers, and that the proposed legislation will ensure that all potential employers hire only legal workers.

The Senate Republicans’ bill includes provisions to raise penalties for violations related to employment paperwork or the hiring of unauthorized alien workers. The implementation of the bill would be phased in over an 18-month period, allowing smaller businesses time to comply with the new requirements. Senator Bill Cassidy highlighted the importance of E-Verify in protecting both employees and employers, stating that it is essential for controlling immigration and safeguarding American jobs. The legislation is part of a broader effort by Senate Republicans to address the ongoing crisis at the southern border and to prioritize the interests of American workers.

The push for nationwide adoption of E-Verify technology comes at a time when the Biden administration is facing criticism for its handling of immigration issues. FBI Director Wray has been questioned about the release of ISIS-linked border crossers into the U.S., while DHS chief Mayorkas has faced inquiries about reports of mass amnesty for asylum seekers. The Republican bill, supported by Senators Romney, Cotton, Cassidy, Lankford, and Vance, aims to address these concerns by cracking down on illegal employment and ensuring that businesses hire only legal workers. The senators argue that requiring E-Verify for all employers will help to minimize illegal immigration and protect American jobs.

The current proposal by Senate Republicans reflects a broader effort to strengthen enforcement measures and address the root causes of illegal immigration. The bill’s supporters argue that requiring all employers to use E-Verify is a crucial step towards ensuring compliance with immigration laws and protecting American workers. By raising penalties for violators and phasing in the implementation of the new requirements, the bill aims to provide a balanced approach that supports both businesses and workers. The ongoing debate over immigration policy highlights the complexity of the issue and the need for comprehensive solutions that prioritize national security and the interests of the American workforce.

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