Senator Tom Cotton believes that the Israel-Hamas war would have ended faster if Donald Trump were still president. He stated that President Trump would have backed Israel fully and provided them with the weapons needed to quickly finish the job, resulting in less civilian suffering in Gaza. Cotton criticized President Biden for delaying aid to Israel, suggesting that this decision was influenced by the president’s desire to balance the needs of a divided Democratic Party during the conflict.

Cotton has been vocal in his criticism of President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war, calling for his impeachment over the delayed aid shipment to Israel. The aid package in question included $26 billion for Israel as well as humanitarian aid for areas such as Gaza. The Biden administration had proposed this aid nearly six months prior to its passing, with Cotton suggesting that the delay was politically motivated as Biden seeks to appease different factions within his party.

In addition to his criticisms of Biden’s handling of the aid to Israel, Cotton has also called on the administration to crack down on anti-Israel agitators on college campuses. Last month, he urged the deportation of any foreign students engaging in disruptive demonstrations in support of Palestine. Cotton’s stance on foreign policy and Israel is clear – he believes in unwavering support for the nation and views any delay in aid or tolerance of anti-Israel sentiment as unacceptable.

Cotton’s appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation” highlighted his continued support for President Trump and his policies towards Israel. He credited Trump with preventing conflicts such as the Israel-Hamas war from escalating during his time in office, emphasizing the former president’s commitment to standing by Israel. Cotton’s comments indicate a belief that Trump’s approach to foreign policy, particularly in the Middle East, was more effective and decisive compared to what he perceives as Biden’s hesitancy and political maneuvering.

The $95 billion supplemental foreign aid package that included funds for Israel and humanitarian aid was a point of contention for Cotton, who viewed the delay in providing this assistance as detrimental to Israel’s ability to defend itself during the conflict. By suggesting impeachment as a solution to what he sees as a failure on Biden’s part, Cotton is making a bold statement about the seriousness of the situation and his commitment to supporting Israel. His calls for action against anti-Israel sentiments on college campuses further emphasize his dedication to protecting the nation and its interests.

Senator Tom Cotton’s statements and calls for action regarding aid to Israel and the Israel-Hamas conflict reflect his strong support for the nation and his belief in the importance of unwavering backing for Israel in times of crisis. By invoking President Trump’s approach to foreign policy and contrasting it with what he sees as Biden’s shortcomings, Cotton is positioning himself as a vocal advocate for a more assertive US stance on international issues, particularly in the Middle East. His willingness to call for impeachment and deportation in response to perceived infractions underscores his commitment to his beliefs and his values when it comes to US foreign policy.

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